Normal. Yeah Right

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After the party I drove myself straight home. I didn't want to be around people. I wanted to get back to my place and unwind. There's a peace that came with being by myself now. It used to make me feel depressed. Like I should be out living the high life. But now I depended on it. If I was by myself it meant I wasn't responsible for anyone else...

Noah was probably the only person around me nowadays anyways. He was the only one who knew the whole story. Most people knew the half of the story that made me a 'hero'. They didn't know the part that made me a monster.

I shake my head. I came home to relax. Not dive deep into my problems. I walked to the counter and opened the drawer that I had hidden away the frame with the picture of me and my mother. I look at her smile and close my eyes as I try to recall the love I felt in that memory. I soak it in till I feel the sting of tears trying to surface and then close the drawer again. I miss her with everything in me. Sometimes talking about her helps remind me that she was once here. Other times it reminds me that she isn't here anymore. It's hard to find a balance between the two.

I turn and pick up the cat treats off the counter by the sink and shake the bag.

A big fat tabby scurries out from under the couch in the corner of the room and skids to a stop at my feet. His long hair fluffing out over the tips of my shoes. Beast was very food driven.

I drop a nice little pile of treats in front of him and sit next to him on the floor, stroking his fur.

"Me and you found each other at the right time didn't we Beast." I chuckle. "Now you just have to learn how to feed me and this will be a two way relationship."

My phone dings. I dig it out of my pocket and glance at the screen. It's Noah. I know he wants to talk and check up on me after leaving early.

"Sorry dude. Not ready yet" I say tossing my phone on the couch.

My surfboard is sitting against the wall by the front door. Maybe a few good waves will help pull me out of the funk.. it's worth a try. But I still think I want to go it alone for right now. So instead of texting Noah back I throw on my wet suit and grab my board to head out the door.

It's not long before my feet hit the sand. Instantly I feel a little lighter. Stress of today's attack rolls off of me and into the waves as I splash down into the water. I wish I could make it all go away. I wish kids didn't trigger me. I mean, what chance do I have at having a normal family if I can't even stand to hear a baby cry?

I paddle hard and fast. A wave is coming at me high but I'm not ready for it. I push down on my board and duck dive under it. I come out on the other side and shake my hair out. I had to get past this if I ever wanted a shot at a normal life.

Normal. Yeah right.

I swing myself around and brace for an oncoming wave. I can feel the water building behind me so I stroke forward. My feet pick up higher and I shoot my shot. I pull my feet forward and straighten. And for a moment...

I'm flying. I feel chilled through. Awake and alive. I let the ocean do all the work as I take advantage of her beauty. When I'm out here on the water, my mind has nowhere else it would rather be, than right here.

The sun is starting to set when I finally call it a day. I plop my board on the sand and settle next to it. I'm not ready to leave.

"I didn't know you came here." A voice says next to me. It's arrogant and honestly ruins the whole peaceful vibe I had going on just a few seconds before.

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