You said Love Back There..

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Maisie and I woke up on the couch together about an hour ago. She was tucked close in my arms, head laying on my shoulder, left hand on my chest and left leg over my right.

I don't even remember falling asleep. When I checked the time on my phone I was in shock.

I didn't want to move her but it was already 12 and we should have been at the Bash at Max and Harbors place already. The real party didn't start till later but Noah had still rented it out for the whole day.

I brushed the hair out of her face and tried to gently wake her up. I had to laugh though because Maisie did not want to get up. With each gentle shake I tried to give her she tightened her grip and burried her head further down into the blankets. Beast tried to sleep between our legs and as I moved even he let out a loud meow in protest before jumping down to the floor and settling back down under the coffee table. I pulled myself out from under her and she just grunted in protest.

"Rmmmmm..." she complained. "Come baaacckkk. You were comfy." She whined. Then she set her blue eyes on me and she looked like she could really kill me if I didn't get back on that couch and let her sleep.

And I was willing to give this up? I laugh. I gave her a minute and walked to my room to find some fresh clothes and towels so she could shower. She may be grumpy but I know my girl will want to take a shower before heading out in public. I popped into my bathroom with my board shorts and a plain White T shirt and took a quick shower myself. I was in and out in less than ten minutes, but when I came back Maisie was still on the couch, the blanket now completely covering her head. 

"Come on babe." I chuckle as I practically drag her from her spot.  I begrudgingly she finally pulled the blanket from her face and at least looked at me. I gave her a shirt and a towel, then told her She could change to cover her sunburn and take a quick shower while I made breakfast. I hadn't eaten much in days because I had longed for her presence and worried about her, but now that Maisie was here with me, it felt like my stomach had some catching up to do. 

In the kitchen I started pulling out pans when I hear a thud. I raise an eyebrow and look over the counter to check on Maisie.  Only now she's not ton the couch.

Maisie rolled off the couch and hit the floor dramatically. I laughed out loud, it was progress i guess. She was off the couch after all. Clearly Maisie was not a morning person. We would probably always be night owls. But that was ok with me.

She reached out her hand and I pulled her up and pointed to the bathroom. she sighed heavily but I just smiled and kissed her on the head and pushed her towards the bathroom without a word.

After that I went to the kitchen and made us some quick breakfast burritos. Eggs, salsa, bacon, ham, and cheese and had it waiting for her when she got out.

I was biting into my burrito when she finally emerged. Her hair was dripping and she looked absolutely stunning. I especially liked that she was wearing my shirt. Even when we went to To Sua trench, the sight of her in my shirt made me happy for days.

Huh. Now that I think about it I don't think I ever got that shirt back either...

She looked at me and smiled. Hugging herself tight, clearly enjoying that she was wearing my shirt too. Hell. She can keep it if it gets me this smile every day.

"After we eat we should head to the bash." I said sitting some empty pans in the sink.

"Dax.. we need to figure out what we're gonna do." She says a bit worried.

She doesn't have to tell me what she means. How do we tell Noah that giving each other up isn't an option? I go around the counter and she wastes no time wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my chest.

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