Give Me Time

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The next morning I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. And thankfully no one expected me to. My dad brought me some aspirin and orange juice knowing that when I cry a massive headache always follows. As my head pounded I was thankful he knew me so well. I threw the pills back and drowned them with a mouth full of cold water. The rush of cold down the insides of my chest felt like a deep breath so I kept drinking till the water was gone. I slid the cup back on my night stand and then curled back into my blankets.

Not long after that Noah came in to check on me. He scooted onto my bed and leaned into me while propping one arm against my pillows and backboard. He rubbed my head and smiled silently. We stared at each other and I knew he was trying to gauge how I was feeling. I just prayed that the heartbreak of losing Dax wouldn't be the emotions he saw.

Noah seemed to catch on that I wasn't in a talking mood and eventually told me he was going to the shop to clean up a bit more with dad. They'd lock the door behind them and come home a little later. I smiled and just nodded my head tucking myself deeper into my comforter. Then Noah kissed the top of my head and left closing the door behind him.

I slept then. Dreamless sleep consumed me and when I finally woke up it was night again. I was trying to decide if there was any point in getting up if it was already time for everyone in the house to fall asleep again too. But I could hear my dad and Noah in the kitchen so I grabbed my small quilt and wrapped it around myself not willing to leave all the comfort of my bed behind.

As I walked down the hall I listened, my feet slowly coming to a stop right before the end of the hallway.

"I'm telling you dad somethings wrong. Dax hasn't been like this for awhile." Noah says.

At the sound of his name a piece of my heart splinters. But I keep listening because if I wasn't mistaken Noah sounded ... worried.

"I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I should swing by and check on him." My dad says pausing whatever it is he's stirring to look at Noah.

"I tried. He wouldn't let me in. Just said he had a bug and didn't want me to get it. But it sounded like.."

"Like what son?" My dad asked when he stalled.

"He sounded like he'd been crying. I know Dax, And I know when he's not ok. And I'm telling you, he's not ok."

"Alright. I'll go. Stay here and I'll be back in a few hours. For now just don't set the kitchen on fire again ok?" He says grabbing his keys off the counter.

"One time!!" Noah shouts in defense as dad disappears through the garage door.

I chuckle and step out. "When did you set the kitchen on fire?" I ask with a smile as I plop on a barstool.

"Nosey!" He yells and flicks me between the eyes. I laugh.

"When did you set it on fire?!" I ask again.

"I was 12! I tried to make Father's Day breakfast for dad and I sprayed the pan after I turned on the flame. I didn't know that it would hit the stove and practically make it explode in my face!" He defends. "It didn't even set the kitchen on fire! Just melted the shit out of the pan handle!" He chuckles.

I laugh at the image. It sounded like something Noah would do.

"You still look exhausted. Are you going to stay awake? I made some chicken Alfredo if you want food. If not I can put some aside if you wake up hungry later.

I thought about it and I wasn't hungry. I didn't have the stomach for anything right now.

"Noah." I say getting his attention. "I'm sorry I haven't spent much time with you the past couple weeks." I say sadly.

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