Taking my Heart with Her

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As I finished what happened to me my dad took over and started filling Noah in on things I didn't even know.

The guys that answered me on the street where able to find their way to the apartment. The guy that attacked me was detained by them and held until the cops arrived. My moms ex had gotten away but was later arrested a block away. Two other gentleman had pushed their way into the room to find me until paramedics arrived.

I had been stabbed twice. And had various cuts along my back, arms, and legs from falling on the glass. Along with a deep slash under my left arm from defensive wounds, and a concussion from being punched in the face repeatedly during the attack. As dad told Noah everything I lifted my shirt to reveal my puffy pink scars left behind from the blade. Two on the side of my stomach and one under my left arm. His eyes narrowed and he radiates with anger.

My dad went on to explain that that's when he left for New York. When he got there the next day I still hadn't waken up and my mom was still MIA. I didn't wake up for three days. And when I did I couldn't speak and was fighting off infections from where I had been stabbed.

When my mom did finally turn up she was distraught. She had no idea anything that happened. She had decided to go on a binger and had been gone with friends for a week, claiming she had left a note at home when she left.

Noah was shaking as he listened to everything. He was furious and broken. When my dad finished his story he finally broke down. He was sobbing and reached out for me. And just like all those years ago we held each other until the crying stopped.

Even my dad slid to the floor and held onto us. We may be 18 and 19 years old now, but we would always be his babies. The huge piece of our heart that Noah I shared.. we got from our dad.


Noah had called me a few hours after I left and I sat on the phone with him for hours. Maisie had finally told him everything. Whatever happened to her was enough to break Noah down to his rawest form. He was so upset with himself for not being there to help and protect her.

He had made a promise when they were little that he'd always protect her. And until that day he had kept his promise. And the bastards that hurt her made him a liar.

He was a million different emotions and I listened as he lived through every single one.

Eventually he calmed down. I asked about Maisie and he said she had fallen asleep an hour ago. She was drained and he didn't expect her to wake up till morning.

I convinced him that he should go see Amy. That girl was in love with him. And she'd want to be there for Noah just as much as I wanted to be there for Maisie.

Before we hung up Noah stopped.

"Thanks man. I know you've been there for Maisie a bit while I've been out with Amy. I'm glad that your being such a good friend to her. And me. I'm glad we have you." He says genuinely.

And now it's my turn to feel something as the guilt of not telling Noah the truth about what's happening between me and his baby sister eats away at me.

Especially when he's already lived through helping me with my own trauma. It just feels like I'm slapping him in the face.

"Me too man. Now go see ya girl." I say with a nervous chuckle.

I flop down on the couch and let my head fall back. Beast meowed at me before flipping down next to me.

"Ah beast.." I say running a hand over my face. "What am I doing."

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