To-Sua and Poseidon

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Maisie POV

Dax, Maru and Shawn all went ahead of us to give me and Noah the chance to talk. I know Dax is right. I can see the pain and guilt in Noah's eyes and I hate that I put it there. But at the same time im proud of myself. I stood up for what I wanted. I didn't just give in to the anxiety and stay home because Noah told me too.

"I'm sorry Noah." I say as we walk through the parking lot towards the grass area Dax and the others disappeared towards.

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing Maisie. I shouldn't have yelled at you..."

"I don't mind that you yelled at me Noah. You're my brother, we are supposed to yell at each other every now and then." I say smiling and nudging his arm lightly. "What got to me was you telling me that I should stay home. And asking me if I needed dad like I'm 6 years old and crying because I hate thunder and lightning.'' I grumbled.

Noah chuckles. "You still don't like thunder and lightning Maiz.."

"You're missing the point Noah." I say shooting him a look. He sighs.

"I know what you're trying to say. I need to trust that if you can't handle something you'll be honest and tell me. And unless you do, then I need to relax and let you take your time."

I look up at Noah and can't help but feel shocked. Dax was right. Noah did get it.. He just isn't doing the greatest job figuring out how to help me. He wants to take on all my pain and in the process he's just taking on too much.

"Hey." I pull Noah to a stop and force him to look at me. "You know I love you right."

He smiles. "Of course."

"And you know that I appreciate everything it is you do for me. Even when you're overdoing it?" I smile a little. 

He nods again. Noah wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest tight. "I just want you to be the safest little sister ever. Especially because you're my little sister. But I promise I'll try to chill out a little bit." He kisses me on the head and then holds out his back pack to me. "Here, I know the only reason you didn't put on a suit is because I was rushing you. There's a bathroom over there. Go change, I know your gonna want to get in the water." he says smiling

I laugh and snatch the clothes before pecking him on the cheek and running to the bathroom. I pull out my new neon bikini and throw it on. I glance back at the bag and my heart drops as I realize Noah forgot to bring my swim shirt. I couldn't just wear my bikinis in front of them ...

Not that I was fat or anything. But because I had scars on my body from the night I wanted to forget. If Noah or anyone saw them it would definitely ruin the mood. I cracked the door open to try and Call Noah and ask him for his shirt, but I couldn't find him anywhere. When I did spot him he was off near one of the huts smiling as he talked on the phone, no doubt on the phone with his new girlfriend Amy.

I sighed and thought of my other options. My eyes landed on Dax. "I guess I have no other choice." I grumbled. I grab my phone from my shorts pocket and call him. I watch from the bathroom door as he looks at his screen and smiles before answering. It makes me feel good inside.

"Did you fall in or something?" he teases laughing.

"What?! No!" I laugh. "I need a t-shirt to wear over my suit, and Noah is busy. Do you think you can bring me one of his?" I ask sweetly.

He looks around in Noah's bag and frowns. "I don't see any extra shirts baby girl."

My heart flips over and over in my chest. Did he.. Did he just call me baby girl?

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