Who Could Have Done This?

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After the comedy show last night Maisie and I just walked around town. We held hands and explored shops until they started to close around 10pm.

Being with Maisie is more than I ever thought I'd deserve. Hell I probably still don't deserve her. But I know what I want. I want to love her. To protect her. To make her smile every chance I get and never take her trust in me for granted. I can see in her eyes when she looks at me that she's trusting me with every part of her. Even the most vulnerable parts of her she wish would stay hidden. It humbles me to my core. Knowing that something so beautiful and fragile trusts me this much.

Being with her is more than just feeling like I have someone who gets what I've been through. Even if she didn't have PTSD like me I'd still like her. Her mechanic skills amaze me. I love that she's so excited when a new car comes in. And to top it all off she was also one hell of a woman on a surfboard. All things that I liked doing. She was the perfect person for me. And I was glad to have found her.

After our date I reminded her I had work in the morning and Maisie had the day off. So after one last walk through a park, we decided on heading back. When I dropped her off I was all too happy to kiss her goodnight. Before letting her out of the car I had to ask her the question I knew was on both of our minds


"Yeah?'" she says looking at me before she gets out of the passenger side.

"You had a good time with me tonight right?" I say smiling shyly. She giggles but nods her head." And you know I like you. Way more than I probably should. And I know you like me way more than I deserve..."

"Where are you going with this silly?" she asks, tilting her head in confusion.

"Are you gonna make me say it?" I say laughing and pleading at her to just get the hint.

"Oh I just might.. This is pretty entertaining." she smiled mischievously.

I laugh and drop my head before groaning and leaning closer to her. Her eyes go wide a bit at my sudden closeness and I love that she reacts to me this way.

"Beautiful Maisie Collins, will you do me the honor of accepting this night as our first date. That way we don't have to try and live through that awkward first date fiasco." I laugh. She giggles with me and watches my eyes as I continue. " And come out with me again Friday night for date two? But this time go with me knowing that I want you to be mine. I want to officially be your boyfriend. Weather that means I face the wrath of your brother or Lotto or every other guy on this god forsaken Island..'' I laugh nervously. "Will you go on this next date with me?... Will you accept me as I am?"

Maisie reaches up and strokes my cheek. Then pecks my lips softly. "I know that was embarrassing and hard for you to say but I'm so glad you did." she smiles as tears fill her eyes. "Yes, I will go out with you again Friday. But I think we should still wait a little longer to tell Noah. I want to enjoy this a little longer before we bring him into it ok?"

I beam. "Ok, baby." Then I lean in and capture her lips with mine.

I held her close for a few more minutes before letting her go inside. It was a good thing the windows on my car were tinted so dark, because if Lotto or Noah were watching it might not go over well for me. But I had Maisie, so in the end I didn't care all that much. Plus Lotto pretty much knew. Noah on the other hand has been so into Amy that I don't think he knows just how much time we actually spend together. And He DEFINITELY didn't know I've been sleeping in her room...


When I got to work the next morning I knew I looked like shit. I was out most of the night with Maisie and when I got home I texted her for the rest, waking up every time my phone dinged.

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