Thunder Buddy

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Maisie POV

I'm going to kill Noah.

Another crash of thunder rolls through the house and I wrap my fists around my ears trying to block it out. Noah PROMISED me he would be back before the storm was supposed to start. We had been talking about it all week. My dad had to be out of town till tomorrow because he was helping out a family friend whose wife was having a baby, and they needed help watching their other ones.

When I saw the weather channel say to prepare for the storm I told him I was worried. He knows I hate thunder and lightning. Its a fear I've had even before the accident. I HATE it. Under no circumstance should I be left alone.

My phone lit up next to me and I grabbed it quickly.

DAX: Did Noah get home yet?

Dax knows how afraid of storms I am. We've talked about it before, and a bit more this week after we heard there was a storm coming, even though I still didn't explain the why.

Maisie: NO! He never came home.

I'm shaking badly as I type it out but manage to hit send. I look around and decide I need to try and drown out the noise. I get up and turn on my new TV and turn it all the way up. Then I walk over to my dresser and grab my earplugs. I can feel the dresser shake as another flash of lightning lights up my room. Even through the light and the TV, its power is still the brightest thing for those three seconds.

I can feel my bravery cracking. Even through the loud TV and almost every light being turned on I don't think I can handle this. I run to my bed and bury my whole self in my comforters. I wrap the blanket around my head so tightly that it's almost hard to breath. I sit like this until I can feel my face flush with the heat and my hair starting to stick to my neck from the sweat of nerves. I'm to afraid to do an air swap with the blanket so I'm just pretending that I don't need more air.

I hear the front door open right before another burst of thunder rattles the windows. I throw the covers off and sprint through the door.

"I swear Noah! I will NEVER forgive you for leaving me alone like this!" I say wiping the tears from my face. "You KNOW why I hate these storms you ass-!" I say stopping short as I take another look at the person removing their hood.

His sweater is drenched from the short distance from his car to the front door. I want to ask him what he was thinking about driving all the way over here in the middle of a storm like this. But all I can seem to register is the fact that Dax is here. He didn't leave me alone.

"Hey Maisie." He says giving me a half thoughtful half concerned smile.

I cry. Then I sprint to him hitting his chest hard. He catches me easily and rubs my back in soothing circles. When I stopped crying he wrapped his arms tight around me and laid his chin on the top of my head.

"I take it you're not mad I came over in the middle of one of the worst storms of the year so you wouldn't be alone?"

"I'll be mad later." I mumble into his chest. He chuckles and gives me one big squeeze before pushing me away to look at my face.

"How about a really loud action movie, shitty snacks, and the promise that I won't leave you alone until the storm is over?" he says reaching out and stroking my cheek comfortably.

I nod my head and he takes my hand and leads me toward the living room, with a bag of what I assume is the snacks, in his hand. I look around and I notice I can see all of the trees and gusts of wind and rain hitting all the windows leading to the back patio and pull his hand back to stop him.

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