A Bad Day

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"Hey Maisie?!" Noah whines from the other side of the bathroom door. "Are you almost ready yet?" he says, knocking repeatedly strictly with the purpose of annoying me. I have only been in the bathroom for 20 minutes. I don't know why, but Noah was really starting to get on my nerves today. Maybe it was that I've barely slept ten hours total in the past 3 days, but all I know is that I'm over it.

I swing the door to the bathroom open and glare at him. My toothbrush is hanging from my mouth and I'm in my boxer underwear and a tank top. Noah immediately covers his eyes. "Maisie! What the hell are you doing! Maru, Shawn and Dax are right there!" he scolds fumbling to grab the handle of the bathroom door while still covering his eyes.

"I'm trying to get dressed and multitask! Use dad's bathroom if you have to pee or something." I say kicking the door closed in his face.

We are getting ready to go to a tourist spot that Noah had wanted to show me last year but didn't get to go to. The day he was supposed to take me there was a bad rain storm so we decided to stay home and have a Harry Potter marathon instead.

I was all for going until I woke up this morning and now I just wanted to wrap my fingers around Noah's hair and pull. I was angry and upset for seemingly no reason. My emotions seemed to be dialed to the volume of 100 and flipping to a new channel every 2 minutes.

I pop my tooth brush out of my mouth, spit, and throw it down on the counter in frustration.

"Uggghhhh... you know what... fuck it" I say. I grab my shorts and throw them on, then shove my hoodie back over my head. I won't even bother trying to put a bathing suit on if all people are gonna do is rush me or stare at me like a freak later. Just forget it.

I throw my hair into a bun and open the door. The guys are all in the living room laughing and having a good time. I want to yell at them. How dare they have a good time while I'm over here getting yelled at by Noah for no reason.

In my head I know that makes no sense.

I KNOW that nothing about this is Noah's fault. Still doesn't stop me from wanting to punch him in the gut.

"Dude, you're still not ready? Maisie it's a beach you need your swimsuit." Noah says looking at me like I don't already know that.

I try to take a deep breath so I don't snap at him.

"Maisie.. if you don't feel up to going we don't have to go. We can stay home. Do you need dad?" Noah asks.

Dax turns to Noah and smacks him on the arm. He is glaring at him while simultaneously looking at him like he should have known better than to say what he just said.

"What?! Don't hit me!" He says annoyed at Dax. "If she thinks she's going to have an episode she should stay home."

At this point I'm pretty sure I could breathe fire. I can feel myself holding my breath and I don't know how I'm supposed to react.

Dax throws his hands up in the air. "Seriously dude." He says rolling his eyes.

Dax understands. Noah is pitying me. He is treating me differently and it's one of the biggest triggers ever. Knowing that no matter how many good days I have, even the people that are supposed to love and understand me the most are just waiting for me to have another bad day.

"Oh I'm going! I'm just not driving with you!" I shout, grabbing my purse from the counter. "Come On Dax!"

Then I'm out the door.

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