Noah POV

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Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

I'm circling this block for the third time and still don't see my baby sister anywhere. It's been three hours since she disappeared and the last thing I told her was to get out of my room. I'm supposed to protect her. Accept her no matter what. And now.. Fuck! I swear she better be alright or im going to murder anyone that lays a finger on her! I punch the steering wheel in frustration.

"Babe I'm sure she's ok.." Amy says from my phone. She's been on speaker trying to give me ideas of where to look. We went over a list together about a dozen times now and still every place we went to.. No Maisie.

"No she's not! You don't know her like I do babe. She's not right. She has no idea how easy it is to get lost. She didn't take her phone. And right before she left we got into a fight. Amy.. I was a complete ass.."

"Well, you're still being an ass." Amy says like she's being a mom. Her words make my face morph in disgust

"What? No I'm not! I'm worried because my sister is missing!"

"You love your sister right?" She asks annoyed.

"Of Course I do. I've told you how much she means to me." I say getting annoyed with her.

"Then STOP calling her broken!" Amy yells at me. "God! I understand you don't know much about women.." she laughs sarcastically. "But women, especially ones who have survived shit like your sister have, do NOT like being called broken. She's grieving. For everything she lost. And there's no clock on grieving Noah. It's gonna take a while. It may even take forever. And as much as i know you'd like to, it's not up to you to decide how long it takes to heal from something like this. It's up to your sister.. Saying that you don't think she's right in the head because she's sad... I've never wanted to punch you more than I do now." She says mad at me.

I listen and hear what she's saying. She's right. I would like nothing more than to take all of Maisies pain out of her right now and throw it into a wood chipper. I swear if i could it would have already been done! At the same time, I know she is even more right about it not being up to me to decide. Still, knowing all of that, Amy's last sentence makes me chuckle. She's so cute when she's trying to be violent. Especially because she's so small and compared to her I'm a tree.

"Don't laugh at me Noah Fetu Collins! You hear me! Don't make me reach through this phone.." She snaps at me, Trailing off for my imagination to finish her threat.

I'm still smiling but I do hear her. "I hear you babe." I say sighing.

"You'll find her baby. Don't worry." She says sweetly again.

I decided to head toward the beach we're Maisie and I liked to surf as kids. If there's even the slightest chance she was thinking about me when she left it might be one of the places she'd go.

"Noah?" Amy asks through the phone.

"I'm here." I say

"You told me once that you were happy that Dax and Maisie got along so well because they were alike. You said that if anyone else understood what the other was going through it was each other." She said.

I remember this conversation. We were at dinner and I was telling Amy all about my family and how much they meant to me. I was a family man through and through. And I needed Amy to know that.

"Yeah I did .." I say sadly.

"Then why is it such a problem that they may want to be more than friends?"

"Because that's my baby sister! Dax knows how important it is to me to protect her!" I say getting heated.

"What made you think that being with him meant she wouldn't be protected!?" She yelled back at me.

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