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I decided to just eat cereal at home instead of going out to breakfast with Brett. And by 'decided' I mean Noah forced me to and then drove me all the way to the event center where the fund raiser was being held in the baseball fields behind the building,  and told me he was going to stay and help me too.

He seemed annoyed but I didn't bother to push.

"Hey Maisie I didn't know you were coming in today?" Boba asks as I walk into the office buildings. Noah is behind me smiling politely with his hands shoved in his pockets

"I'm not actually, just volunteering. Brett said that they could use some help setting up and I was free."

"Oh well that's very nice, Noah good to see you again son."

"You too Boba," he said shaking his hand "We were told there was some boxes of prizes in here that could need some help getting taken out. Do you know where they are by chance?"

"Sure thing. They're down the hall and to the left pass the trophy case."

We say our thanks and make our way to grab the boxes and carry them to booths that are setting up around the fields. I was surprised to see just how much was being done. There was a little bit of everything from games, to food, and raffles setting up around the field.

There are the obvious ' see how fast you pitch' and target throwing booths to match for the baseball season. A few spots around the lawn have bouncy houses or obstacle courses for smaller kids. I see a magnetic fishing game that says if you catch one on the pole you get to take home a real goldfish. And I am totally doing that.. My dad might not approve of a dog but he couldnt say no to a goldfish I had already won...

"Maisie you made it!" Brett calls as he walks up to the booth im at and drops a few boxes. "Noah I didnt think I'd see you here?"

"You said you needed the help and I didnt want to leave you short handed. I'm always glad to lend a hand. Especially if I get to spend some time with my dear baby sister." he says with a smug smile throwing his arm over my shoulder.

I roll my eyes knowingly and just move away to start passing things out to the booths they correspond too. I recognize a few people and say hello as I go. When I reach the last box I look to see where its supposed to go and the label confuses me.

Remembrance Table

Remembrance? I look up and start wandering around the tables I hadnt been to yet. I didnt see anything that said remembrance so finally I stopped and asked one of the coaches.

"Oh." he says looking at the small box sadly. His eyes watered and I think I've done something wrong. "Its over here by the picture wall. The tables right next to it and there are frames for everyone. This big flower heart stand is to go behind the table... I'm sorry I would help.. But one of .. My little girls in there. And I need to finish setting up before I break down." he says with thick emotion coming through his voice.

"It's ok.. I can do it. Thank you coach. Why don't you go get a glass of water, I've got this." I say gently.

He nods and wipes at his eyes as he walks away from me. My heart is heavy as I realise what I'm holding. His daughter had passed away and I literally asked him where he wanted her pictures hung up. I just had the worst luck. I looked away sadly and decided to set down the box and unfold the white table to push against the wall filled with all the team kids pictures. I put the flower stand next to the table and then opened up the nice blue table cloth and layed it over.

I pulled out the picture frames and candles and little whistles that were in the box and finally pulled out another small box. This must have all the pictures in it. Tears swelled in my eyes and I pulled open the lid.

The very first picture was of a little girl with bright blonde pigtails sitting on her dads shoulders wearing her tigers baseball uniform. She didn't look more than 8 years old. At the bottom were the words "Forever in our hearts. Mommy and Daddy miss you." I cried as I took it and placed it gently in a frame.

I went to turn over the next picture and my heart stopped. This one was of a little boy maybe around 11 or 12. He was wearing a tigers uniform too, but this picture had him smiling ear to ear holding up two bags of goldfish. One in each hand and a panicked mother in the back rubbing her head. Probably wondering what the heck she's going to do with two fish. Next to him was an excited baby girl, maybe 3 years old, reaching out for one of the bags.

The bottom read " Ua ou misia oe uso Matua" in english.. "I miss you big brother"

I put my hand over my mouth as I read it. This boy was too young. This little girl was too young.. I set it down and flip through more of the pictures and stop on the last one.

I know that face.. It was Dax. Dax was receiving a trophy in a Uniform that didnt have a name. He looked like he does now. So he was probably a coach. A woman was smiling next to him and patting his cheek in congratulations. She looked so proud of him.

And thats when Daxs six words came into my mind. 'I watched someone I love die'. All those times we spent talking about his mother and how he missed her. How certain people reminded him of her. I knew it was a cause of his pain.. But I didnt understand..

"It was something that should have never happened." he says from behind me.

I turn to see Dax. his eyes are tearing and hes not looking at me. He's looking at the table. At the picture I just had in my hands. He is in black jeans and a white t shirt and he looks alright, but i can tell from his posture that hes exhausted.

"Dax.." I say reaching out to hug him. He lets me hold him for a moment before he pulls back and walks to the table. He grabs the frame with the little girls picture in it. "Her name was Sarah. It was her first year ever on the team and she decided she wanted to go for pitcher. Her dad told her that the chances weren't great because there were other kids who had been playing for a long time. But she got it. She told her dad if she won the pitchers spot he had to carry her on his shoulders for the whole season because that's where winners sat. On their dads shoulders." Dax cried and let out a laugh at the same time. I could feel my own tears going down my face.

He turns and grabs my hand. Taking a shaky breath he trades the picture of the little girl for the one of him and his mom.

"And this.. This is my mom..."

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