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Chris POV

I finally finished all signings and im exhausted. I. Make my way back to the green room and plop my self down on the sofa next to scarlet.
"Hey Evans want a coffee?"
I grab my phone and as I unlock it I see I have a text. Once I read it, I can't help the huge grin on my face. She actually used it.
"What's going on with you smiling?"

She grabs my phone and reads the text "you gave her your number?"
"Go Evans"
I can't help but laugh, Scarlett has been going on at me for ages about finding someone to spend my life with so of course she is happy I've given my number to someone.
"Alright. We are just talking that's all"
"Yeah we will see. You both seemed pretty smitten at the comic con"

"Whatever" I sit and drink my coffee trying to think of a response.
'Hey beautiful, I'm so glad you decided to use it. Did you enjoy your day today?'
Seemed pretty plain and simple but I had to build a bridge in order to start a conversation.
I stare down at my phone waiting for a reply.
"Chris! Time to go"
I look over and see Megan "yeah okay I'm coming"
I walk out and hear the fans screaming and shouting. I wave my goodbyes and get into the car to go back to the hotel.

When I get into the room, I fall on my back onto the bed. Megan told me I have a free couple of hours. Thank god. I can feel my eyes starting to close when I hear my phone ping. I hold it up and it's Andie. I smile instantly.

'I really enjoyed my day. Got called beautiful by Captain America. Don't think I'm ever going to be able to top that. What about you did you enjoy today? You must be exhausted?'

'Wow! Well he is known for being truthful and honest so he says what he sees 😉 I'm pretty exhausted just got back to the hotel so might take a shower and then maybe nap before
going out this evening'

'Haha I know well it must be true then. Poor you, I couldn't possibly do what you do. It's pretty amazing what you do for your fans. Well I'll leave you to get clean and have fun tonight mr Evans'

I smile, maybe I could.....would she.....maybe?
'Are you busy tonight? Maybe you could come for a drink? Keep me company?'

She doesn't text back straight away and I start to worry. Did I overstep? Did I ask too much to soon? In my overthinking I hear my phone ping.

'Sounds good. Can I bring my bestfriend?'
'Definitely more the merrier'
'Send me the address and we will see you there'

I send over the address and head into the shower. I can help the ear splitting grin my face. I don't know is it about this girl but she is freaking awesome. I like the fact she talks to me like I'm just some guy not that I'm chris Evans. Sometimes be chris Evans can be annoying and boring so it's a breath of fresh air when someone just treats me as Chris. Tonight was definitely going to be interesting.

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