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6 months later

Andie POV

England, that's where I went. I secluded my self away from everything for a while, stayed in the countryside, found my self a therapist and I tried to begin healing, I was seeing my therapist 3 times a week and I was also going to a group. It was a group full of survivors from physical and mental abuse and it helped me so much, to meet other woman and men who have gone through what I have.

2 months ago I moved to London, my therapist said it was time to get out there a little. I also got myself a job, nothing crazy just working in one of the office buildings. It was a good job, paid well and I made some good friends. I have a week off, so I decided to treat myself, im currently walking around a not so busy London street, window shopping. I'm just about to walk past my favourite cafe here when I hear some shout my name.

I turn and I see Scott, Chris's brother. I haven't spoken to anyone since I left not even Chris. I still wasn't ready to be with him, I still had a lot to work through.
He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight.
"It's so good to see you"
"You too"
"You look great. So this is where you escaped too?"
I look down shamefully knowing he would be angry at me for leaving Chris.

"Hey" I look up at him and he smiles "I think you did the right thing. Getting away. Having space. It's what you needed"
"Really? I thought you'd be pissed at me"
"No way. I hated that Chris was hurting but we all understood Andie even Chris"
"He was always good at understanding, that man is too good for this world"
Scott starts laughing and so do I, then I hear his voice.
"Scott what you doing? Gotta get back....." before he finishes scott moves over so Chris can see me.

"Andie?" He says in complete shock.
"Hi Chris" I smile at him and he stands there shocked. He slowly walks towards me, his hand reaching out for my cheek. Like he wanted to make sure I was real.
"Your real?"
"Yeah chris I am"
He pulls me too him, hugging me close. His scent filling my nose and he smells like home. I wrap my arms around him, holding him as tight as possible.
"God I missed you" he whispers into my
"I missed you too"

I hear Scott clear his throat and we look over to
Him, he is smiling so big.
"I'm going to leave you too to it okay"
We nod and I kiss his cheek and hug him again.
"It's good to see you Andie. Don't be a stranger okay"
He walks away and I look back to Chris, he still looks shocked to see me.
"You have time for a coffee?"
"I'll make time" chris says

We sit down at the cafe just to the side of us, we order coffees, while waiting there is an awkward silence. I don't even know what to say to him, how to begin to explain why I left.
We both say at the same time, looking up I see Chris start to laugh and I can't help but join in.
"What are you doing in London chris?"
"Working. I'm filming a few bits. The last few bits"
"That's cool."
"So England for you too?"
"Yeah. I needed out of America. I needed peace"

"Has it worked? Are you ok?"
"I'm definitely getting there, I have a therapist and a group I go too, to talk about my problems. It's helps. I don't feel so........weighed down anymore"
He nods "that's good. I'm so glad you did what you set out to do Andie"
I smile "thank you Chris"
"For what?"
"For everything. You gave me a huge chance and I will always be grateful for that. I'm sorry I just left but thank you for understanding why I needed too"
"I meant what I said Andie, I love you. I would do anything for you"

I can't help but smile at hearing those 3 little words again.
"I love you too Chris"
He smiles wildly at me "can I see you tomorrow night for dinner?"
"Yeah okay"
"Great. Put your number in and I'll text you. I can pick you up if that's okay?"
"Yeah that would be great" I say while typing my number into his phone.
"Ok, we'll I gotta go. The new girl definitely isn't as good as you"
I can't help but laugh "I'll text you okay"
He hugs me again, tighter then before "I'll see you soon andie"
I nod and he walks away, waiting till he can't stretch anymore to hold my hand.
This would be good, spending some time with Chris.

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