Coffee and questions

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Chris POV

Andie had agreed to meet me this morning, I've grabbed our coffees and a breakfast muffin. She text me to say she was running late. Something about a hungover bestie emergency. Which of course made me laugh. Andie was like no other girl I had met. I never usually act like this towards my fans but she was different and I knew it the moment I laid my eyes on her.

I look up and there she is stood, looking beautiful as ever. I stand up and kiss her cheek and pull her in for a hug.
"Hey. You look beautiful as always"
She blushes and smiles down at me.
"Thank you. And thank you for the coffee"
"No problem. How's the bestfriend doing?"
"She is dying, she's in bed. Pain killers, water and dry crackers. She is also freaking out cuz she kissed Sebastian"

I laugh "yeah Seb hasn't stopped talking about her all morning"
"Good I'm glad"
"So Andie.....that guy? Who was he?"
She takes a deep breath and looks down at her cup.
I take her hand and gently rub my thumb over her knuckles.
"If you don't want to tell me you don't have too"

"No it's okay. He was my ex boyfriend....and I have a restraining order against him"
"Right....what happened?"
"It started with him being possessive and jealous all the time and then slowly turned into beating me, both physically and mentally and then eventually ended up with me in the hospital because he had beaten me so badly, I was bleeding internally and had to have a big operation"

She never once looks at me as she tells me, I can't believe the pain she must have gone through. I bring her hand to my lips and place a soft gentle kiss. She looks up at me and I see a lone tear run down her cheek. I reach up to wipe it away and I feel her lean into my touch.

"I'm so sorry you went through that Andie"
"Well I got the restraining order but he doesn't seem to care. I moved away so he wouldn't find me and Now he has, I may need to move again"
She nods "his dad is a big shot lawyer so the restraining order never actually protects me because he always manages to weasel himself out of trouble.

"You can't keep letting him run you out of town Andie"
"I know but I'm too scared at what he will do if I stay"
I hold her hand in mine and shuffle towards her more.
"What if you came with me?"
"Come on this tour with me? I could hire you as my assistant and it would mean you get time away to figure out what to do next"
"Chris you don't even know me"

"I know but I would like to get to know you. And I can't do that if your running around all of the country"
"Chris I don't know...."
"Just think about it okay? No pressure, it's just an idea"
She nods and continues to drink her coffee.
"Coffee okay?"
"Hmmm it's really nice"
"Good. So do you want to go for a walk after this?"
"Yeah that sounds good"

We finish up our coffees and head to a little lake I know off. Hardly anyone around and it's peaceful. We don't talk about her ex, instead we talk about our favourite meals, our hobbies and our interests and our families and friends. I find myself opening up to this woman and I barley know her. She just makes me feel safe.

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