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Andie POV

1 week later

Leah had to go home today, I didn't want her to leave. We had spent a great week together and id shown her around Boston. She fell in love with this place just like I had. Chris was amazing with letting me spend time with her, he even helped us out with a driver and the best places to go. Leah met all of Chris's family and they adored her. I had just drove her to the airport. Chris decided to stay home.

I wrap her in a huge hug and I feel my tears already falling.
"Don't get sappy on me Andie. I'll be back soon. I promise. You have that incredible man waiting for you. Your happy here and you deserve this Andie. So go be happy and I promise you I'll figure out a way to move here if staying here is what you want"
I nod "okay. I love you"
"I love you too"

We hug once more before she walks off towards her gate. I climb back in the car, I see paparazzi around taking pictures but I ignore them. I'm kind of used to them now I'm working with Chris. It's a annoying but it's all part of the job. I get back to Chris's and head on in. I hear Chris on the phone, he doesn't sound happy. I try to seem happy but the truth is I'm going to miss Leah. She is my home and has been for so long.

He looks over at me and offers me a sad smile. I walk into the kitchen and make a drink. It's lunch time but I'm not really feeling hungry right now.
As I'm stood looking out the window I feel arms wrap around me, I lean my head back against his chest.
"You okay? That call didn't sound good"
"Just crap going on. You okay?"
"I guess....just going to miss her"
"I know but you'll see her again soon"
I nod "I'm going to go take a shower. Never got a chance this morning"

I walk towards the bathroom, locking the door behind me and turning the shower on. I look into the mirror and can't help but sigh. The tears leaving me eyes before I even have a chance to stop them. My phone rings so I grab it and wipe the tears away.
"Hey baby girl"
I stop dead "Noah? How did you get this number?"
"I have my ways. Just like I know your in Boston right now. Did you think you could out run me?"

"Well you going to spend time with Mr Hollywood then you have to be prepared for your picture and location to be shared"
"Just leave me alone Noah"
"Can't do that sweetie. I miss you and I want you back"
"That's not going to happen Noah"
"It will. I know it will. Mr Hollywood will mess up soon enough and you'll come home and I'll be waiting"
"Yes. And until then I might just have to keep Leah company"
"You stay away from her"

"I'll see you soon Baby"
He hangs up and I can't help the tears that fall. What if he hurts leah I would never forgive myself. I try to call her but it goes to voicemail. She is still on the plane. I text her telling me to call me the minute she lands. I go out to Chris who is sat at the table. He looks up and sees me upset. He rushes to me cupping my face.
"Andie what's wrong?"
"Noah. He got my number. He called"
"What? How?"
"He know I'm in Boston. He says he wants me back"
"That's not happening Andie"

"He said you would end up Messing up eventually so I would have no choice to go home. Until then he said he would keep Leah company. If he hurts her Chris....." I shake my head and the tears fall more. He hugs me close
"Call Leah get her back here"
"She is already on the plane"
"The minute she lands tell her to book another flight back okay. I'll pay for all of it. You need to ring the police andie"
"I know"
"I'm going to call Megan and get her to put some security on Leah until she's back okay?"

I nod and he walks away to call her. I call the police and tell them what's happening. They ask me to go to the station and they can get a restraining order in place to stop him coming near me and Leah. They also want me to contact the police in New York and explain what is happening so they can also have a restraining order in place. Once Chris has finished we head out and get everything dealt with. I thought all of this was in the past. Why can't he just leave me alone?

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