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Chris POV

I see Andie pacing back and forth, she is basically chewing her nail off and she's making me dizzy. Leah hasn't called yet, she should have landed an hour ago.
Before I can finish her phone rings, she answers it immediately and sighs loudly. She mouths over to me "Leah"
I smile and she smiles back.

"Leah, just come back here don't argue okay. I'll explain everything when you get here"
I don't here her reply but I can see Andie getting angry.
"Leah.....just......fuck sake.....listen to me"
I've never heard Andie curse before and I hate to admit but it makes her even more sexy to me. I look over at Andie who has stopped pacing and looks panicked.
"Leah!! Leah!!!"

She looks down at her phone and the call is cut off. She just stand there, not moving.
"Andie? What happened?"
She looks over to me, I see tears fall.
"There was a big crash chris. I don't know....."
"Ok. Let me ring Megan. The security team should be there"
She nods as I grab my phone and just as I'm about to call. Megan's call comes through.
"Meg is the team....."
"Chris. Leah was hit by a car. She has been taken to the hospital. The team just got there as the car wasn't an accident"

"Fuck! Okay thanks"
I hang up and Andie is look at me, i see how upset she is.
"It's Leah isn't it?"
I nod "she was hit by a car as she was crossing the car park. They seem too....."
"Seem too what?"
"Speed up when they saw her"
"No. No. No. I have to go"
She runs to her room and starts to pack, grabbing her passport.
"Andie wait"

"No Chris. This is my fault. I need to go now"
I stop her and pull her to me. Looking right into her beautiful eyes.
"This is not your fault. This is his and we will prove it okay. Let me sort a flight out and we will both go okay. I'm not leaving you to deal with this on your own"
She nods and I get on the phone to Megan. Setting everything up, I manage to get us on a flight in a couple of hours. I pack up my bag and we head out to the airport.

The whole way on the plane, Andie doesn't relax. She is so on edge. Just a few days ago, everyone was happy. I was happy, I finally had my girl and now everything has turned to crap.
We rush to the hospital the minute we land, as we get shown to Leah's room, Andie pushes the door and we see Leah, sat up in bed. A cast on her leg and arm and a few bruises.
She looks over and smiles "Andie"

I see Andie break in front of me, leah looks down at her helplessly.
"Come here"
Andie walks forward and Leah hugs her close the best she can with one arm.
"I'm okay andie"
"No your not. Your here because of me"
She pulls andies face up and looks down into her eyes.
"This is not your fault. And as soon as we can prove this is Noah. He will go away for a long time okay!"

"Did you see the driver at all?"
Leah shakes her head "blacked out windows. But luckily, they have the plates so they might find something out"
I walk to Leah other side and place my hand on her cheek. She smiles
"I'm okay guys, really. Just a few bumps and bruises"
"Your going to come back to Boston with us the minute you can okay. No arguments"
"Yea boss" Andie giggles as I roll my eyes.

"I'm hungry. Wanna get us some food cap"
I laugh "yeah. What do you want?"
Andie and Leah look at one another and smile "pizza!"
Alright I go grab some, don't get into much trouble while I'm gone.
I walk out closing the door behind me. A few steps and I hear Andie call me.
As I turn, Andie throws her arms around me and kisses me so deeply I can't help but groan. As she pulls away she smiles at me.
"What was that for?"
"A thank you. For everything"

I cup her cheeks and kiss her softly. "No need to thank me. Now go save the doctor from Leah and I'll be back soon."
"Okay" she kisses me again and walks back into the room. I watch her go and can't help but admit to myself I have fallen in love with that woman and I'll do anything to protect her.

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