The future is beautiful

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Chris POV

2 years later

Tonight was the last premier I would be attending for the marvel universe, my last appearance as Steve Rogers and I felt more emotional then I thought I would. It's been an amazing decade and I wouldn't have changed any of it for the world. I have loved my journey with marvel but I'm glad to be taking some time away.

"In here"
There she is my beautiful fiancé, Andie moved back to Boston a month after London. She had to finish things up with work and her apartment but then she was where she belonged. A few months after that I proposed, I couldn't help my self. She was everything to me and I couldn't imagine my
Life without her. She of course said yes but we agreed to wait until after marvel was finished to get married. After I proposed we had a talk about children, Andie really wanted them and so did I.

We started the process for adoption, when my bestfriend Tara came to us and offered to be our surrogate. We talked it over and we were happy for her to do it. Andie spoke with her doctor and had asked if her eggs where viable even though her tube has been damaged and her cervix wouldn't carry children. He agreed to test and found out she had 3 viable eggs. So we used them all. Tara gave birth to our baby girl a few months ago and she is beautiful. We called her Danielle Leah Evans, she was a tiny 6lb 4oz and she was the spitting image of her mother.

I thought Andie seeing tara carry our child would hurt her but she was so excited and Tara did an amazing job to make sure every kick or anything that happened Andie was there for. She would rush over in the middle of the night just so Andie and I could feel the kicks. It was magical. Because we started the adoption process we were called a month ago telling us a little boy needed a home. His name was Thomas and he was 2 years old. We agreed straight away. So now we have a 2 year old and a 3 month old in our house and we couldn't be happier.

My fans were amazing with Andie, fully supported our relationship, obviously there were a few who needed to be mean to make them selves feel better but other then that they were great.
"You look so handsome"
"And you look so beautiful"
"Where are the kids?"
"Your Ma has just arrived to sit with them"
We were in LA and I asked my mum to come with us so she could help us out with the kids while we were at the premier.

"I can't believe this is the last one"
"I know. It's been a crazy ride"
"Hasn't it just"
"Has Leah called?"
"Yeah her and Seb will meet us there, she said she is feeling like a house right now and all she wants is ice cream and her bed"
I couldn't help but laugh. Seb and Leah had been talking for a while and finally got together a year ago. She found out she was pregnant and is now 6 months along. Tonight would be her and her bumps debut and Andie was so excited.

"Shall we get going soon to be Mrs Evans?"
"Let's Mr Evans"
We walk out and I hug Ma, I hear Thomas straight away "dada"
I could help but laugh, he had settled in quickly and soon started calling us dada and mama. We loved it of course. He was adorable with Dani and everyone loved him. I pick him up and swing him around while he giggled, kissing his cheek before handing him over to Andie to say goodbye. I walk over to the bassinet and see my princess, her eyes open.
"Hi princess" I pick her up and feel my ma place a towel over my suit.
"Just in case"
I kissed dani goodbye and passed her to my ma, while Thomas went back to playing with his toys.

"Have fun guys"
"We will and thanks again ma"
"No problem. Love you"
"Love you"
We head out to the car and I help Andie inside. I take her hand and run my thumb across her knuckles. She looks over and smiles brightly at me.
"What you smiling at?"
"You. Who would have thought? Me coming to a comic con would have ended here"
"Was the best day of my life beautiful"
"Mine too"
She leans over and kisses me softly, I love this woman more then anything in this world and the one thing I will forever be grateful to marvel
For is for bringing this woman into my life.

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