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Andie POV

Was I stupid for saying yes? God what the hell am I going to wear? Why did I say yes?
I called Leah and she rushed over with lots of outfit options. She was so excited, she couldn't wait to spend time with Sebastian. She has always had a huge crush on him.

"What about this?" I walk out of the bathroom
And Leah looks over.
"Wow Andie you look beautiful"

"You think?" "Yeah, babes you look amazing"

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"You think?"
"Yeah, babes you look amazing"

"You think?" "Yeah, babes you look amazing"

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"Thank you

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"Thank you. You look crazy beautiful too"
"Thank you"
We do our finishing touches and grab our bag and coats and head on out to the address chris gave me. When we get there, it looks super busy. We walk to the door and the security asks our names. Once we have given them they let us straight in.

We walk around until we see Chris in the VIP section. He waves us over and we get let through by the security.
"Hey beautiful"
"Hi. Leah this is Chris. Chris this is my best friend Leah"
He kisses her cheek "nice to meet you"
He introduces everyone to us and we sit down and order some drinks.

Chris sits next to me, placing his arm around the back of my seat. He leans in and whisper in my ear "you look stunning by the way"
I can't help but giggle, I turn to whisper in his ear "thank you. You don't look so bad yourself"
He smirks and passes my drink.

The night is going well, I'm talking with everyone and it feels kind of normal. Like this is something I do everyday. Scarlett is so lovely, she has been so nice to me and Leah all evening. I can see Leah talking with Sebastian, and he seems kind of taken with her.

Chris has barley left my side, his hand always touching me some how.
He leans down "Do you wanna dance?"
I look up and little shocked he asked me.
"Yeah okay"
We make our way to the dance floor and he pulls me close. I turn so my back is against his chest. We start to move to the music and his hands firmly grip my waist. My head is leaned into his chest and his lips are on my neck.

"You really are beautiful"
I turn and look at him, my arms go around his neck and his wrap around my waist.
"Thank you. Your pretty handsome too you know"
"Well thank you"
We dance for a while longer before needing to go back to get a drink. As we are making our way over, I feel someone grab my arm and pull me.

I look up and I see him, I can't believe he is here.
"Leave me alone Noah"
I grab Chris's hand and pull him back to our seats. I see Leah and I tell her who is here.
"What the fuck?"
"I don't know. He never goes clubbing Leah"
"Okay clam down. Let's go okay"
I nod and I feel a hand on my waist, I instantly jump at the contact.

"Hey. What's wrong? Who was that guy?"
"Erm....someone I don't want to be around. I've got to go Chris"
"Really? Why?"
"Please just know that he isn't supposed to be here and he is and I need to leave"
He nods "I'll walk you both out okay"
"I'll come too" Seb shouts over.

They both walk us out and wait with us while we wait for a cab.
Chris can see my shivering so he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.
"Thank you"
He smiles "no problem. Are you going to be okay?"
I nod "I'll be fine. I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to apologise for. Maybe you can explain this to me over coffee tomorrow?"

I hesitate but eventually say yes. I agree to text him when I'm home and meet him tomorrow at 10am for coffee. I look over to see Leah and Sebastian kissing and I can't help but let my mouth drop open in shock. Chris looks over and smiles. He whistles over "wooooo go Seb!"
Leah starts to giggle and kisses him once more before getting into the cab that has now pulled up.

Chris looks down at me and kisses my forehead.
"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful"
I smile "I'll see you tomorrow"
The cab pulls away and I look over at Leah, she is smiling from ear to ear and I can't help but giggle.
"Yeah wow"
I can't believe Noah was back. This was not a good thing.

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