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Third person

Yassen and Snake were hurrying to patch and clean Alex's shoulder. Then Yassen saw Alex stop moving and got worried. He checked his pulse and it was fine he was also breathing. Snake was sewing up Alex's shoulder but he knew that the bullet was covered in poison. They had to find the antidote or they were going to lose Alex.

"Grab those men and tie them up. We need to know what kind of poison this is." Snake said and Yassen nodded. "Also wake everyone up. I am going to need some help." Yassen ran off as quickly as he could and tied up all the men and tossed them in an Interrogation room, which was just an empty room. Then he ran to all the rooms to wake everyone. While Snaked was mentoring Alex condition. Everyone ran in and surrounded Alex. Yassen was interrogating the people to find out that the poison was. As Snake was making sure Alex was fine.

"What happen?" Ian asked.

"I guess he was attacked and shot at. Problem is that the bullet was covered in poison. Yassen is trying to find-out what the poison is." Snake said and then he didn't feel Alex's pulse. Snake put his had on Alex's chest and didn't hear a heart beat. He started to do CPR.

"Snake. What's going on?" Wolf asked.

"He doesn't have a heart beat." Snake continued to do CPR. "We need to get him to a hospital." Snake said looking at Ian.

"We can't. He's not supposed to leave the house." Ian said and Wolf huffed.

"If we can't find-out what poison is running through his veins then he is going to die." Snake said and he checked Alex's pulse and it was back to normal. Snake rested for a little and Alex opened his eyes up. He Looked around the room and saw everyone was looking at him. Wolf got up and walked over to him.

"Hey, Cub. How do you feel?" Wolf asked and Alex looked at him with no emotions.

"Pain." That all he said for the whole time he was awake. Everyone was getting worried and then Yassen came in with one of the men. He threw him to the floor.

"Tell the nice men what you told-me," Yassen said. The man Looked at them all scared. He wasn't the man the like Alex but he was one of the first guys that Alex knocked out. Yassen grabbed the man's head. "Tell them."

"There's no cure. Scor.. Scorpia made it that way so he would die a slow death." He said scared and then his sight landed on Alex. He was breathing hard but barely conscious. The man looked away from Alex. Yassen grabbed him and took him back to the room. Everyone had scared faces on.

"No cure. That means..." Eagle began but didn't finish it. Everyone looked at Alex and didn't know what to do.

"We should make Alex as comfortable as we can," Ian said picking Alex up and they head back to his room and Ian sat him down genitally on the bed.

"He can't go out like this. It's not right." Wolf said-and everyone looked at him.

"It was never right of MI6 to even put him out on the field. He's only a kid and now he's going to die right in front of us." Fox said and Wolf stormed out of the room and went into the interrogation room the Yassen was in. He grabbed the closest attacker and punched him in the face. Yassen smiled at Wolf's reaction.

"You are responsible for a kids death. If he dies, you are next. All of you." Wolf said and he walked back out. Yassen was right behind him. Yassen walked into the room and watched Snake check on Alex and everyone else looked like ghosts. Yassen thought it was sad but he also felt sad. He liked Alex, he was good at everything he did. Then Yassen saw Alex open his eyes, Alex was whispering something and Snake got closer to hear it.

"Yassen, Alex wants to talk to you. Alone." Everyone left the room and Yassen got closer to Alex.

"Yes Alex," Yassen said as gentle as he could and got close to hear what Alex said. Alex looks straight into Yassen's eyes. Yassen saw the pain in his eyes.

"Kill me," Alex said quietly and Yassen was surprised at what he heard.

"You know I can't do that Alex. Your going to be fine. We are going to get the cure." Alex closed his eyes for a second and opened them back.

"I heard that there was no cure Yassen. I don't know how long..." Alex stopped mid-sentence and started to cough.

"Don't say that Alex. What do those men know? They could be lying. Just hang in there." Yassen said and Alex nodded and started to shiver. Yassen put his hand on Alex's head. He knew Alex was beginning to get a temperature. Yassen got up and grabbed Snake from outside and they put Alex under the covers and started to put wash cloths on his forehead. Alex fell asleep and they all waited to start a plan. Ian had left the room to go tell MI6 and maybe get a doctor there but since there was nothing to go on, they had to wait. Yassen and Snake waited in the room with Alex while everyone tried to get to sleep. Once and a while Yassen would leave the room to try and get information from some of the attackers but that never worked out. Yassen went really hard on the man that said he raped Alex and Yassen wanted to kill him but he wants Alex to do that himself once he was better.

"What type of poison is it?" Yassen asked. No one said a word. Yassen punched them a few times. "I said what type of poison it in Alex Rider's body?" He said with more venom in his words. They said nothing and Yassen left the room and went back to Alex. He was breathing hard and possibly having a bad dream since he was moving around a lot. Snake was there with a worry look on his face.

"Go get some sleep. I'll keep watch." Snake looked at Yassen and got up to go to his room. Yassen sat down in the chair Snake was and watched Alex. It was 3 am and Yassen was not planing on sleeping for awhile. As Yassen watched Alex sleep, Yassen thought back to the time when he first meets Alex. He was interested in the boy and how good he was at his job. Even a world's greatest assassin could not kill him. Yassen smiled as he remembered all but two years ago. Then Yassen looked at Alex and feared he might not make it for another day.


Edited on 10/2/18

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