Operation Fix Alex

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Third Person

As they put the mask over Alex face, Wolf watched him as he closed his eyes. He was holding Alex's hand. After a little bit they replaced it with a nasal cannula. Wolf stroked Alex's hair as they worked on Alex leg. Alex was able to stop the bleed in his neck but soon Wolf was going to have to move.

Wolf looked at Alex's face, he thought he looked very peaceful. They did have to take Alex's pants off since the wound was fairly high up. They did put a sheet over his body. Wolf kept holding Alex's hands. Within an hour they had Alex's leg patched up.

Snake moved up to Alex's neck. Snake looked at Wolf.

"You doing okay Wolf?" He asked.

"Yea, I'm just worry." Wolf said and Snake nodded.

"We all are. He's going to be fine. Why don't you go outside and tell that to Eagle and Fox?" Wolf nodded and let go of Alex's hand and left the room. He took the gown off and mask. He walked over to Fox and Eagle. Both of them stood up.

"How is he?" Fox asked.

"He's going to be fine. They started to work on his neck. Snake says that he is going to be fine." Wolf said very calmly. Both Eagle and Fox sighed in relief.

In the operation room, Snake had taken the bandage that Alex made off and started to work.

"Looks like I found what made the hole." Snake said taking the bullet out of Alex's neck. All the blood dried around the area. Then Alex started gasping for air in his sleep. They hurried to put a tube in his mouth. Once that was done they worked quickly.

"How did he survive from that bullet?" One of the medics asked.

"He's a strong kid. Stronger than several of us." Snake said and then Alex started to bleed. "Shoot." He said and began trying to stop the bleeding.

"Heart rate is dropping." Another medic said. Snake quickly stopped the bleeding. It took a moment but he stopped it. Snake began to sew it up when he noticed something.

"The bullet nicked his voice box." Snake said and then the mood in the room dropped dramatically.

"There is nothing you can do Snake. It will heal over time." The first medic said and Snake nodded. They finished sewing up Alex and put a bandage around his neck. Some nurses came in and rolled Alex into a ICU room. Snake and the medics that helped him out, they got the gloves off and walked out into the room where everyone that cared about Alex was. That was a lot of the base.

Wolf, Eagle and Fox got up first. Snake walked over to them. Everyone stayed seated including the Sargent.

"How is he?" Wolf asked. Snake smiled.

"He's going to be fine. He had a bullet in his neck but right now he is in ICU room. Once he wakes up we will move him to a normal room without all the machines." Everyone smiled and k-unit was relieved. Wolf walked up to Snake and talked quietly to him.

"When can we see him?" Wolf asked.

"You can right now. I want you to be there for him when he wakes up." Wolf nodded and Snake walked him to the room Alex was in and there was a chair in there.

"Thank you." Wolf said and Snake nodded. After a minute Snake left and Wolf was in there holding Alex's hand. He promised that he wouldn't leave Alex alone. He is trying to keep that promise.

Alex's POV

I heard the beeping of a machine. It was like a heart beat. As memories came back of the roof of the gym clasping and Wolf watching me fall asleep. I felt something touching my hand. I start to squeeze the hand. I opened my eyes slowly. I felt groggy but I did see an out line of Wolf.

He got closer to me and my eyes focused on him. My throat hurt but I was happy that Wolf was there.

"Hey Cub. Snake said that you don't want to try and talk." I nodded and I felt something in my throat. I started to reach for it when Wolf grabbed that hand. "It's a tube. Relax and I will get Snake in here."

Wolf got up and left the room. I had blankets over my legs. I knew they took off my pants but that's it. I tried to stay still as possible but that was a little hard for me. A minute later Snake and Wolf ran in the room. Snake went on one side of me and Wolf was on the other.

"I'm just going to check your neck really quickly." Snake peeled back the bandage and I felt the air touch the stitches. It felt weird and it was cold. It felt the cold go down my spin. Snake covered it back up. "I think we can take the tube out now."

Snake grabbed a few things and started to take the tube out of my mouth. It felt like I was throwing up but they got the tube out and I felt a lot better. I coughed a little bit which hurt my throat.

"There, we are going to move you to a different room soon. In about an hour or so." Then Snake left the room. Wolf was still next to me.

"I'll be back when they move you. I have to go talk to the others." Wolf said and I nodded. He walked out of the room and I was all alone. I still felt tired but I tried not to sleep. I needed to be awake. But soon enough my eyes got heavier and they closed. I went into a dreamless sleep.


Thank you all for supporting this story. It has been my longest story and might always be the longest story ever. You all have been great and I hope you all have liked it. I have love writing for you guys.


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