Needles Hurt

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Alex was brought to the medical wing where he was pumped up with antibiotics and bandaged up. Also he was given 30 minutes of liquids. Dr. Three had plans for Alex and they didn't want him to die. Yassen was not called a traitor because he had been brainwashed to forget about Alex Rider. It worked and now they had Alex Rider. The best spy in the world.

About an hour later they took Alex back to a new cell where Wolf was waiting for him. This time there was two beds and en suit. The guards had Wolf on his knees with his hands behind his head. They sat Alex down on the bed and left. Wolf got up and walked over to Alex. He saw that Alex was all bandage up also he looked at lot better.

Wolf walked over to the other bed and laid down for a bit. Wolf didn't sleep but looked at the ceiling for a little bit,. He was thinking about what Alex said about him getting a tattoo that only bored members only get. Wolf thought it was weird.

A few minutes later Alex's eye fluttered open. He felt the mattress underneath him. He didn't feel so tired anymore but he did feel a little pain here and there. Alex started to get up. Wolf jumped up off his bed and ran to Alex.

"Easy Cub." Wolf put some pillows up behind Alex so he could sit up. Wolf grabbed a bottle of water and handed it Alex. Alex opened it up and took a few sips. Then Alex coughed a little bit.

"Thanks." Alex said and Wolf nodded. Alex and Wolf's eyes meet and both of them got closer to each other. Their lips connected into a soft kiss. Both of their eyes were closed.

After about a minute they stopped to separated for bit of air. Alex started to get out of bed.

"Come on Alex, you need to rest." Wolf said and Alex was standing up.

"I'm fine Wolf. I feel a lot better. I'm going to go wash my hair." Alex walked over to the en suit and locked the door. Alex quickly washed his hair. Their was a new set of cloths for Wolf and Alex. Alex put the clothes on and walked out of the en suit. "There is a fresh pair of clothing in their for you Wolf."

Alex said and he walked over to the bed with his vision blurred. Alex grabbed onto the bed. Wolf was acting the same. Wolf tried to go over to Alex but he fell to the floor unconscious. There was a gas licking into the room. Alex was still hanging on and the gas was gone. Alex felt sick and two guards came in and Dr. Three was there with them. He was watching Alex.

"Time for the first part of your new tattoo." Dr. Three said and the guards grabbed Alex's arms and dragged him out of the room.

"You said 24 hours." Alex said a little annoyed.

"I lied." They dragged Alex into a very clean room with tattoo equipment. "Today will be the outline of the tattoo. Tomorrow will be filling it in and the last day will be the final detail." Dr. Three said and they strapped Alex into a chair that looked like a dentist chair. Another man walked in with a mask on. He had a stencil in his hand.

"Dr. Three, what color would you like the outline to be?" He asked.

"Black for now." The man nodded and Dr. Three left the room. There was two guards in the room. The man walked over to me and sat down in a chair.

"Would you like it on the left or right side?" He asked and a guard stepped in.

"Dr. Three said that it needs to be on the left side." The man nodded and wiped down the the area that the tattoo was going. Alex tried to fight back but the guards just held down his head.

The man started doing the outline of the tattoo. He was very gentle but it still hurt. It took and hour to get the outline of the tattoo done. The man put a bandage on the tattoo and left the room. The guards untied Alex and took him back to his room. Wolf was in his clothing that Scorpia gave him and sitting on the bed.

Wolf turned to the door opening and Alex was pushed into the room. Alex fell to the ground and Wolf ran to Alex. Wolf helped Alex up off the ground. Wolf noticed the bandage around Alex's ear.

"They started to put the tattoo?" Wolf asked and Alex nodded. Wolf walked Alex to his bed and Alex rubbed where the tattoo was. "Don't scratch it. It might get infected." Wolf said and Alex looked at him like he was crazy. Alex then smiled and looked into Wolf's eyes.

Once again they got closer to each other and lips connected. Alex wrapped his arms around Wolf and Wolf had a hand on the back of Alex's head. The kiss started to get a little heated as they moved to french kiss. Alex stopped after a while because his neck was hurting. Wolf looked at Alex and saw the pain in his eyes.

"Get some sleep. Your going to need it for tomorrow." Wolf moved to his bed and Alex got underneath the covers. Wolf turned off the lights. Both of them fell asleep in different beds. Alex had to sleep on his right side because of the tattoo which didn't make him feel safe. Soon enough Alex feel asleep.

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