Ring Ring of a Phone

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Alex was back at BB going through the assault course with his unit. So far Alex was winning. Also the day before he heard that Yassen escaped some how. Alex was a little happy that Yassen wasn't going to executed but he didn't have feeling for him anymore that he knew of. Once they were all done with the assault course Alex got a call on his phone.

"Hello." Alex said into the phone but there was nothing. Then he ended the call and went on. They had lunch which Alex ate quite a bit. He was trying to get more healthy weight. Snake was happy that he was trying.

His team saw that Alex was a little more brighter and that made them happy. They were going to do a hand to hand combat which was easy for Alex. He went up against the instructor and won the whole time. He still had his talent and speed. He was officially the best SAS solider but a lot of the other soldiers didn't think so.

"Hey Kid. Come over here brat." Leo said and Alex ignored him. Leo walked over to Alex and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm talking to you brat."

"I suggest you don't touch me." Alex said looking at his phone.

"I don't know who you think you are kid but..." Leo didn't finish his sentence because he was down on the ground eating dirt.

"I said don't touch me." Alex said in a death tone voice. He let go of Leo but Leo wanted pay back. Leo got up and kicked Alex right where the sniper wound was. Alex fell to the ground breathing hard as pain went through his chest. His vision was spotty and Leo grabbed him by the collar.

"Big mistake pip squeak." Leo said and Wolf walked over and punched Leo in the arm.

"Let him go Leo." Wolf said with a growl in his voice. Leo did as he was told and Alex landed on his sniper wound once again. He started to see flash backs. Alex started to curl up in a ball. "You have no respect for soldiers. He has seen more action than you and has been through a lot more. Leave him alone."

Snake walked over to Alex. Alex was having a panic attack. Snake stroked Alex hair and Wolf knelled down next to Alex. Alex started to mumble stuff about it was all his fault and something about pain.

"Wolf? Alex has PTSD." Wolf looked at Snake surprised. Alex curled up into a ball even more. Leo started to feel bad for the kid. Wolf picked up Alex and took him to the cabin they all shared. Wolf sat Alex down on his bed and let him curl up into a ball.

Alex stayed like that for another hour or so. Alex did fall asleep afterwards. Alex slept for about five hours while everyone was at dinner. Alex got up and went to the gym that was on the base. Alex had his phone with him. Alex punched the bag for a little bit and was running around the room. His phone ranged and Alex answered it.

"Hello." Alex answered. There was a dark raspy voice was on the other line.

"Scorpia never for gives or forgets." The call ended. Alex became where of his surroundings. Alex heard a beeping of his phone. He threw it into the air. It exploded and the roof of the building fell. Also Alex had been shot second before the phone exploded.


This is like really short but there was a lot of action. I'm sure there is going to be a lot more the next chapter.

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