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Yassen POV

I ran as much as I could. I pushed myself into running in the house. Driving like a mad person but it's to save Alex. I burst through the door of the house and kept running to Alex room. I burst through his door to see something that shocked me.

Third person

Snake and Wolf were in the room with Alex, waiting for him to die. His heartbeat was going down very slowly. His heart rate was deathly low and his lungs were really weak. They knew he was not going to live for very long and he was in pain all the time.

"What do we do?" Wolf asked Snake. Snake looked up at Wolf.

"I have no idea. All I know is that we need to make him comfortable as possible." Both of them looked at Alex and almost cried. Then the door burst opened and there was Yassen looking at Alex, all pale and pain across his face. He walked up to Alex and handed the cure to Snake.

"Give it to him, it's the cure," Yassen said looking at Alex almost wanting to cry himself.

"I thought there was no cure." Snake said and Wolf looked at Yassen like he was crazy.

"They lied. Now give it to him." Yassen said quietly and Snake put it in his IV. After a minute of the cure going through his system, he started to shake very violently. Yassen, Snake, and Wolf held him down until he stopped and Snake did a check through. There were tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong Snake?" Wolf asked and he knew it wasn't going to be good.

"He's in a coma. There's nothing we can do." Snake cried into his hands and Yassen showed no emotions. Wolf, on the other hand, ran out of the room. Yassen started thinking that this was a good opportunity to take Alex and get him away from his past. Snake left a few minutes later with tears still in his eyes. Yassen sat down next to Alex and thought of ways to get him out of here. He had a plan and it was going to start when it was midnight which was a long ways away.

Alex's POV

Darkness surrounded me. I felt nothing just numb. Then a bright light was shining in my eyes. I moved my hand to cover my eyes from the light. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I was in a meadow. It was midday. I sat up to see wildflowers all over. It was breathtaking and I sat there. I looked to the side of me to see Jack. On the other side was Sabina and then Tom. Alex was smiling and looked up in the sky and closed his eyes for a brief amount of time.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Jack said and Alex nodded. As he sat there clouds rolled in. They were all black and dark. The went away and Alex stood up. He looked around him to see that Jack, Sabina, and Tom were gone. He lost them again.

"Sabina, Tom!" Alex yelled. Then he thought back to when he lost Jack. "Jack!" He screamed out. He felt pain in his heart once again. Then it started to rain. Alex ran forward, not knowing where he wanted to go. He just wanted to leave. Then he stopped dead in his tracks to see Yassen, Ash, Ms. Jones and Mr. Blunt in front of him.

"Follow us, Alex." Ms. Jones said walking into a house that appeared out of nowhere. The others followed her and of course knowing Alex, he followed as well. Everything went black.

Yassen's POV

As I sat in Alex room feeling sad I had a plan ready and it was almost time to start. I got up and headed for the door. I took a last look at Alex and left the room. I went to the room where all the men that poisoned Alex were. I walked in and looked at all of them. "You want to get out of here?" I asked and all of them nodded. I knew they would agree because they think they will be free. "Follow me." I untied them all and took them to Alex's room.

"What's the plan boss?" The man by the name Chad Davidson. I looked at them all.

"I'm taking Alex somewhere and I need help. You will help me or die." I said with a deadly tone. All of them looked scared, good. I pointed to the two men that I had no clue who they were. "You too go downstairs and get the van ready." I then pointed to Chad. "I need you to make sure that no one is to leave with us unless they are with me." The three men left and all there was, was me and Lou. He was the one that hurt Alex.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked scared. He should be.

"Stay right there while I get Alex unhooked." As I unhooked Alex from all the machines he seemed fine for now. I didn't take out the tube in his mouth because I packed the van with medical supplies and he still needed help breathing. I picked Alex up carefully and sat him down on the ground for now. I walked up to Lou and kicked him in the gut. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and fell on to the bed. Perfect.

I took lighter fluid and poured it on his body and then I looked down at Alex, making sure there was nothing for MI6 to track him with and I tossed a match on Lou, burning him to death. He was never going to hurt Alex again. I picked up Alex and my gun. I shot the burning body so people would come running to this room. I left through the window with Alex in my arms. The van was waiting for me and I put my gun away. I hopped into the van.

"Where's Lou?" Chad asked.

"MI6 shot him, now let's move!" The van went forward and I took an Ambu bag to help Alex breath. The ambu bag looked like a plastic balloon that helps people breath during operation, especially since they didn't have electricity to help.

"Where are we going?" Chad asked and I forgot I was the only one who knew where to go.

"Go right and keep going off a little bit and I will take it from there driving." Chad nodded and keep driving. For a few minutes I taught one of the other men how to use the Ambu bag and they I switched with Chad driving. I drove for several hours till we were far enough away that I was not tensed. I was driving into the mountains where I had a big house there. Alex would be safe there because no one knew I had the house. Not even Scorpia. I could start over and so could Alex.


Edited 10/5/18

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