Please Stay

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Alex's POV

I threw my phone in the air because I heard it ticking. I also felt burning pain in my neck. My phone exploded and I was blown off my feet. The ceiling landed on me and I was trapped. The metal pressing against my body and my neck hurting like crazy.

I quickly rip some cloth and tried to stop the blood that was licking out of my neck. My neck was burning like crazy but so was my whole body. I tried moving but almost my whole body was pinned by the roof. Then I heard someone talk. It was really far away.

"Anyone in there?" I heard again. It was so far away. I tried to yell out but nothing came. Then I saw a pipe. I grabbed it and start doing mores code. I was hoping they heard me. I did for a little bit and stopped it. Then I heard footsteps.

"Cub?" I heard Wolf and I was hopeful.

Third Person

Almost everyone was sitting down for dinner. Wolf and Snake were talking about things happening in the world when they heard an explosion. Everyone ducked but k-unit. All four of them jumped out of their seats and ran to their cabin. They saw that the gym was the place of the explosion. The whole entire gym was collapsed.

There was several men there checking out the place. They kept running to the cabin. Wolf burst through the door and didn't see Alex. They ran back to where the gym once stood. A man stopped them.

"Wolf, Cub is under the roof right now. We are working on getting some help here. He's communicating there mores code. He stopped just a few minutes ago." They ran near the site.

"Cub! Cub!" Wolf yelled.

Alex's POV

I grabbed the pipe again and banged on the metal around me.

"Wolf, I'm under the roof." I banged.

"Hang in there Cub. Help is on the way." I heard Wolf yell. As time went on it began hard to swallow and breath. I heard something like a machine. I tried to move my right leg to feel pain.

I looked down to see a big metal bar through my leg. I wasn't losing a lot of blood but it was hurting. It was going right through the side of my thigh. I grabbed for the pipe but it hurt my leg too much. I felt some of the roof lifted off of me. I felt like I could breath a little better.

I started to think that maybe my throat was swelling up. That wasn't good. Then I felt more weight being lifted off but pain through my leg. I screamed in pain and it stopped. Everything stopped.

"Cub. We see your legs. We are going to have to lift this part off. The rail that's in your leg is connected to it. Relax and we are going to get it off." I heard Snake. The machines started back up again. I screamed more as the metal piece finally came off of my leg. I felt people rushing to stop the bleeding in my leg. I heard that there was several men lifting up the other piece the was on top of my chest.

After a minute they finally got it off of me. Wolf right on my side lifting me up into a sitting position. Snake was on the other side of me looking at my neck while Wolf held me up.

"Hold Cub." Wolf whispered into my ear. I felt a little spaced out but soon enough I was lifted up by Wolf. I closed my eyes because I felt cold and I could fell the warmth and I could hear his heart beat. I figured that they were running because his heart got faster and I felt cold air hit my face.

When I felt him slowly down I opened my eyes. He sat me down on a gurney which took me to the operating room. Wolf was right there looking down at me. He was smiling at me which I couldn't help but smile too. It was a small one.

"Your going to be alright Cub." The gurney stopped into the operation room and they moved me on to a cold metal table. People were rushing around.

"Wolf, your going to have to leave." Someone said, I didn't know who. Someone started to pull him away. I grabbed Wolf's hand and the medic looked at me. I admit that I was a little scared.

"Stay please." I said, it came out very quiet and raspy. The medic nodded and got Wolf a gown and they set me up for surgery. They got more blood because I was still losing a lot.

"Alright Cub, we are going to have you take a nap for a little bit." A medic said and put a mask over my mouth. I started to feel tired and eventually my eyes closed. I felt Wolf holding on to my hand as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


OMG. Longest book ever for me. I just noticed it. I am good at this story ;)

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now