Breaking Point

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Alex was in the bathroom and he showered quickly. He was mostly washing the sweat off. After about 10 minutes of taking a shower he stepped out and dried off. Then he started to put the clothes on. It was black jeans and a short sleeve black shirt with the scorpion on the left side. Then Alex looked at the tattoo. He admitted that it looked interesting on him.

As Alex left the room he saw that Jackson was messing around with something. Then when Alex got closer she took his arm and stuck a big needle in his arm. He took it back as soon as the needle came out.

"What in bloody hell was that for?" Alex asked and he saw the blood come out of his arm. She handed him a bandage.

"Updated you on your shots. You being asleep for three years made some of your shots out of date. Trust me that there is nothing bad in there. But there is a tracker." Alex pinned her against the wall.

"Take it out now." Alex said very quietly and calmly.

"I can't do that Dr. Three said to put it in. It's only for a few days to a week." Alex let go of her and started to pace.

"What's next?" Alex asked and then he felt a hand on his neck and he stopped. His neck was pulled to the side so Jackson could see the tattoo.

"Your tattoo looks good." She let go of him and wrote down somethings. "For the rest of the hour, we will bring your friend in here for a little bit. Then we will take you two to lunch. Dr. Three will tell you the rest after lunch." She left the room and Alex sat down in one of the few chairs in the room. There was a fridge in the room too.

Alex still had the water bottle from before. He kept drinking from the bottle. By the time Wolf was in the room the bottle was almost gone. Alex stood up and walked over to Wolf. They hugged each other for a little bit. The guards didn't come into the room with them.

"What happen?" Wolf asked while they were still hugging.

"They updated me on my shots and put a tracker on me." Wolf hugged Alex tighter. They then looked into each other eyes. Both of them smiled. Then Alex looked way frowning.

"What's wrong?" Wolf asked as Alex separated from Wolf. Alex had his back to Wolf.

"They are probably going to separate us soon. We shouldn't have gotten attached to each other. Your the leader of the unit and I'm..."

"The kid that I have saved a lot of times. A kid that was never suppose to be apart of this." Wolf said turning Alex around. "Your the a spy, a spy that I fell in love with. I don't care what the others think and Sarge can shut his mouth. I love you Alex Rider. I have for a while."

"You love me?" Alex asked surprised from what Wolf said. Then Wolf got closer and kissed him right on the mouth. Wolf put his hand on the tattoo around Alex ear and they french kissed. Alex wrapped is arms around Wolf's waist, pulling him closer. After a minute they separated.

"Does that answer you question?" Wolf asked and Alex nodded.

Both of them sat down and talked for a little bit and the miss Jackson walked in.

"Come along. We have lunch ready for you two." Wolf and Alex got up and walked followed her with there hands interlocked together. They were taken to a huge room that the ceiling was as tall at a ten story sky scraper. Waiting at the table was Yassen and Dr. Three. Wolf and Alex sat down at the table. Wolf was starting to be protective Alex but Alex took his hand out of Wolf's.

"Mr. Rider we have a few question for you. You have the choice not to tell us. But it would be nice if you would." Dr. Three said.

"What's your favorite color?" Yassen asked and Alex really wanted to answer but he held himself back till he couldn't anymore.

"Black and blood red." Alex answered, both Yassen and Dr. Three looked happy.

"Favorite food?" Dr. Three asked.

"None." Alex answered right away.

"Where were you born?" Yassen asked.


"Name of first guardian?"

"Ian Rider."

"Name of father?"

"John Rider."

"Name of second guardian?" Yassen asked and Alex froze. He couldn't answer it. Dr. Three wrote something down and Wolf was getting a little worried.

"Jackie Starbright." Alex said quietly and they had lunch. Alex didn't eat a lot. He took a little bit of soup and sandwich but nothing else. Once they were done Dr. Three got up and walked around the table.

"For the rest of the time you are to return to your room. Then in a few hours we will do the next step for the tattoo. The next day Wolf will return back to BB." Alex stood up.

"What?" Alex asked a little mad.

"We still need you here. Wolf was not really apart of our plan. Good day." Yassen and Dr. Three left the room. The guards took Alex and Wolf back to their room. Alex was pacing while Wolf laid down and stared at the ceiling. After an hour of Alex pacing he sat down on Wolf's bed. Wolf sat up and saw Alex put his head into his hands.

"You still upset that I'm going back to BB tomorrow?" Wolf asked. Alex head nodded. "Don't worry. I'll go all over the world to find this place and get you back."

Wolf wrapped his arms around Alex. Alex grabbed Wolf's arms and wrapped them more around his body. Alex kissed his hands and he was crying.

"I can't keep going. This place is madness. I don't know what's going on and..." Alex cried more and Wolf kept holding on to him. Wolf didn't know what to do but hold him.

"They played with my mind. I don't know how but they did. I didn't want to answer the questions, I never answer those questions, but I did. I can't keep going if they do that. I'll break for good this time." Alex said and Wolf pulled him tighter.

"Shhhh. Everythings going to be fine. Lay down and take a nap." Wolf said and Alex nodded. Alex was about to get up when Wolf pulled him to lay down next to him. Alex lifted his legs up on to the bed and Wolf wrapped his arms around Alex. Alex was on his left side but he felt like he was a lot more protected than when he was a lone. Alex closed his eye crying a little bit but soon fell into a light sleep.

Wolf was holding on to him. Wolf could fell that Alex was going to break and there was nothing he could do. They were going to be separated tomorrow. All Wolf could do was make him as comfortable as possible.

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now