Dog Tags

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Alex woke up early in the morning. He opened his eyes and quietly got up. No one was up yet so Alex got up and took a cold shower. He didn't feel the water hit his skin. All he could think about was that Yassen was dead. Once Alex was done showering he got dressed in clothing that Snake gave him yesterday and went out for a small run.

After about an hour of running he went back tot he cabin to see that the others were awake. Alex sat down and everyone looked at him.

"Where were you?" Wolf asked and Alex sighed.

"Running around the camp." Alex said no emotions. Eagle went over to Alex.

"Let's go get some food." Eagle said excited. Fox, Alex and Eagle walked out of the room and Snake talked to Wolf for a minute.

"When are you going to tell Alex that, that story you told him was a lie?" Snake asked.

"Tell he has his full memory back. Yassen used the kid and now I think something happened that made Alex fall in love with him." Wolf said just about ready to leave.

"How do you know that Alex loves Yassen?" Snake asked.

"You can just tell." Wolf said and they walked to the mess hall. Alex eat a little bit of food and wait for the rest to finish.

Wolf took something out of his pocket and handed it to Alex. Alex looked at the box like it was an alien.

"Open it." Wolf said and Alex did. When he opened it, there was dog tags that said Alex's name on it. "Since your old enough to be an SAS soldier, I figured that I would make it official." Alex put the dog tags on and nodded to Wolf. The Sargent walked in and handed a file to Wolf.

"You got a mission. Your leaving in 10." All of them got up and ran to the cabin and started to put on bullet proof vests and set up their guns. Alex was allowed a machine gun and they were all ready within 8 minutes. A jeep was waiting for them and they all got in. It was a 30 minute long ride. They were dropped off ten minutes away from the building that they were going in.

As they got closer to the building, Alex started to remember somethings. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see a guy and started to punch at him and kick him. The man tried punching Alex but Alex was too quick. Eventually the guy punched Alex in the jaw making him lose consciousness.

The man dragged Alex inside of the building and tied him up. There was three men surrounding Alex and a few minutes later Alex started to stir. Alex opened his eyes and looked around the room. There was several men in the room. One of the men saw that Alex was awake and walked over to him.

"Hello Alex. Remember me?" He asked and Alex shook his head. "Good. Scorpia hasn't heard about you in three years. They thought you were dead. I guess they will be happy to hear that your alive and well." The man walked away and Alex sat there doing nothing. He didn't know what to do. Then he heard several gun shots. He saw his unit walked in and was killing everyone. Snake ran to Alex and cut the rope off.

"Thanks." Alex said and everyone was dead. They walked out of the room with the mission complete. Alex was behind everyone. Then he felt a hand go over his mouth.

"Don't make a sound." The mysterious man said. His unit walked off and then Alex was turned around to see the the man was Yassen. Alex smiled.

"Yassen." Alex said quietly. Then Alex threw his arms around Yassen and hugged him. Yassen hugged him back. "I heard that you were dead." Alex said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm very hard man to kill." Yassen kissed Alex on the lips. "Take all that gear off of you. They might have trackers on it." Alex started to take the bullet proof vest off of him and he left it on the floor. Yassen grabbed Alex's hand and they ran to a car that was parked near the house. They got in and drove off.

K-unit didn't know that Alex wasn't there till they got back to the jeep. They ran back to the spot where they last saw him and they saw his gear on the ground. They didn't find the dog tag though.

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