Peas in a Pood

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More sexual content. I feel so bad for doing this.


It was about 7:00 am and Yassen untangled himself from Alex and wanted to hopped in the shower. He was able not to wake Alex up as he got some cloths and went into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and got dried. Once he was fully clothed he walked out of the bathroom and saw that Alex was still asleep. He smiled at how cute he looked when he was asleep. He wrote down a quick note and a took a book and laid it beside Alex. Yassen left the room and locked the door.

About an hour later Alex woke up. He frowned that he didn't see Yassen anywhere. Alex them noticed the book and read the note.

Morning Alex,

I hope you slept well. I had to leave before you were awake to do some business. I will see you later. Read the book if you want.


Alex got up and picked out some cloths and took a shower. He thought back to last night and how he loved it so much. Alex wanted to take a step farther but Yassen didn't. Alex was fine with that but he wanted him so badly. Alex took a long hot shower and then got dried and started to read the book. It was about spies which Alex thought it was fascinating. Alex didn't remember spying for MI6. All he remembered was all the good times with Yassen and how he cared for Alex.

Alex sat down on the bed and read the book. He was about 100 pages in and the door opened. A women walked in the room with a tray. Alex put the book down. She looked at Alex surprised.

"Sorry I thought you were asleep." She said and she put down the tray that was filled with food. "Mr. Yassen figured you were hungry. I made you some food." She left the room and locked the door. Alex got off the bed and went over to the food and eat some of it. He wasn't really hungry but he thought it would better if he ate than nothing at all. Once he was done eating breakfest it was 10:00 am and Alex was bored to death. There was not much to do but read or sit around. Alex laid down on the bed and closed his eyes falling asleep.


Alex felt cold surround him. He opened his eyes to see himself. He was like in some kind of water. He was surprised that he could breath. He looked at himself in wonder.

"Do you remember me?" The other Alex asked.

"No. Who are we?" The first Alex asked.

"You know who we are. Alex Rider, you just don't know much else." Alex said and moved closer to the first Alex.

"Yes, that is true." Both Alex were inches apart from each other.

"Your a teen age spy Alex, Yassen took that away and we are safe. No more being in pain." Alex started to remember a little bit about being a spy, mostly his first mission. "You don't love Yassen. He killed your uncle remember." More memories came. The other Alex changed into Jackie.

"Remember me Alex. I died at your hands. You killed me." Jackie said and Alex remembered seeing her die. Jackie then changed into Yassen. He came close and kissed Alex. Then he changed into Lou and everything changed. Alex woke up screaming. He looked around the room, shaking. He was sweating like crazy. He started to remember three years ago. Someone can bolting through the door. It was Yassen and he went to Alex.

"It's okay Alex. It was a dream." He said bring Alex close to him. Alex began to cry and Yassen said soothing words to Alex. Yassen grabbed Alex's chin and kissed him lightly on the lips. Alex calmed down and kissed back. Alex wrapped his arms around Yassen neck and Yassen pulled him closer. They french kissed for a little bit and then Yassen pushed Alex onto his back, deepening the kiss. Alex started to take Yassen's shirt off and Yassen took Alex's shirt off. Soon enough they were back in only boxer and making out. Yassen stopped for a minute and looked at Alex.

"What?" Alex asked.

"You just look cute." Yassen said giving Alex small kisses on is neck. "Want to tell me about the dream?" Yassen asked between kisses.

"Not really." Alex said quietly. There was a hint of pleasure in his voice. Yassen continued to kiss Alex's neck and jaw. Alex started to get playful and nipped at Yassen's ear.

"Oh, you want to play?" Yassen asked and started to lick and bit Alex's ear. Alex rolled his eyes in pleasure and there hips bashed together as they kisses and played. Alex started to moan and Yassen smiled. Alex started to take Yassen's boxer off but once again Yassen stopped him. Yassen grabbed the hands and pinned them down and started to kiss his wrists. Yassen let go of them and went back to kissing Alex's soft lips. Alex's fingers dug into Yassen's back and Yassen had one of his hands on the back of Alex's head deepening the kiss. Then Yassen stopped and looked at the clock. He got up and started to put his pants back on.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked. Yassen tossed Alex his pants.

"I have to go." Yassen put his shirt back on and kissed Alex's forehead. "I will be back later." With that, Yassen left the room and locked the door. Alex put his shirt and pants back on and fell asleep again. This time he had a dreamless sleep. He also had a smile on his face. Yassen was right outside the door and left after a few minutes. He walked into the kitchen to see the cook. She had brought Alex food earlier. Her name was Mary and I loved her food.

"Sir." She greeted me. I nodded and sat down on a stool that was outside the kitchen.

"Can you make Alex some lunch? Something not to big but enough to get him through till 5." Yassen asked and she thought about.

"Yes Sir. Do you want something yourself?" She asked starting to make something.

"Not today. I have to go and do a few things. I will be back in about two or three hours." Yassen got up and started to walk away when he remembered something. "Oh and Mary, you can let him out and have him help you anything. I'm pretty sure he's bored in there." She nodded and Yassen left the room.


Vote and comment. Poor Alex just wants to have a little fun. :)

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