More Scars. Great!

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Alex woke up an hour later hanging from the ceiling. His hands were tied together and his feet had shackles around his legs. He couldn't touch the ground and he didn't have a shirt on or shoes. Alex looked around the room and saw that there was all kinds of torture tools. Alex knew he was in Scorpia's Head Quarters.

A few minutes later Dr. Three walked in with Yassen behind him. Alex watched them while they walked in. Dr. Three took several knifes and then walked over to Alex.

"We meet again Alex Rider." Dr. Three said while he was fairly close to Alex. Dr. Three took one of the knifes and quickly cut Alex below the other eye. Alex gritted his teeth in the pain. It was mostly stinging. Alex knew that it would leave another scar. Dr. Three smile at Alex's pain.

Dr. Three then notice the scar on Alex neck. Then he stuck a knife in Alex's leg. Alex shut his eyes trying not to scream out.

"You did a good job Yassen. Nicked his voice box. Took him awhile to talk again and he probably still has trouble. Cause him a lot of pain." Dr. Three said and he stuck another knife in his back left shoulder. He also cut Alex several times before he stopped to wipe the knife and his hands off. Blood was collecting on the floor.

"What do you want?" Alex asked quietly and a little horsed. Dr. Three walked over to Alex and was in his face.

"What I want is for you to be in pain. For now." Dr. Three said and he did a few other things before he was bored with Alex. Yassen watched with a smile on his face. Some guards walked into the room and cut the rope around Alex's wrists and unchained his legs. Alex didn't feel like moving they had to carry him to the cell. It wasn't a problem because Alex still was fairly light. Alex closed his eyes cause he was weak and tired.

As the guard approached the cell Alex opened his eyes up to the sound of them pressing in a code for the door. They opened the door and tossed Alex into the dark cell. Alex fell on a lot of his wounds and yelped. The guards closed the door and Wolf ran over to Alex. He got Alex into a siting position.

Both of them were in the middle of the floor. Wolf kind of cradles Alex in his arms. Alex's eyes were closed again. Wolf stroked his hair and tried to keep Alex as close to his body as he could.

"Alex, open your eyes." Wolf said quietly. Alex cracked them open a little bit. Wolf grabbed a cup of water that the guards gave them. "Drink."

Wolf put the cup to Alex's lip and Alex drank a little but that didn't help how he looked. He was pretty pale and he was sweating a lot but he was shivering. Alex would fell pain here and there which made him move a little bit and Wolf was getting worried.

"Hang in there Cub. Someone will come soon." Alex nodded and Wolf pulled Alex closed because he was shivering a lot. Alex could hear Wolf's heart as his head was close to Wolf. Wolf was stroking his hair as he slept in his arms. Scorpia hadn't remove Wolf's dog tags which he wore all the time.

Wolf was praying for Alex and that help would come sooner. Wolf knew that Alex was strong but wouldn't last much longer.


Wolf fell asleep sometime later. Dr. Three and Yassen left them alone for 12 hours and then the door opened up. Wolf woke up and began holding Alex closer to him. Guns were pointed at them.

"Get up." One of the guards said. Still holding Alex, Wolf got up and Alex woke.

"What's happening?" Alex said very quietly. Wolf didn't pay attention.

"Follow me." The guard said and Wolf followed him out of the cell and the other guard was behind them. They walked back to the torture room that Alex was their before. The guard behind Wolf pushed them in their.

One of the many guards in the room took Alex and chained him again to the ceiling and chained his feet. Alex's head hung because he was still too weak. Dr. Three walked in and several guards grabbed Wolf and tied his hands. Dr. Three pulled out a gun.

"Get an ice bucket and poor it on him." A guard grabbed a bucket that filled with water and ice. He pored it on Alex's head which snapped up and he was looking around the room, shivering.

Alex looked to see Wolf looking at him and Dr. Three had a gun pointed at him. Alex's eye widen.

"Tell us how you survived the poison or he will die with a bullet to the head. You have a count to three. 1... 2..."

"Stop. I'll tell you." Dr. Three put the gun away. "Yassen somehow got the cure and gave it to me. I remember him talking about it before he gave it to me. I went into a coma for three years. When I woke up I didn't remember who I was but my name. I fell in love with Yassen. Then SAS found me and I remember who I was and that I didn't love Yassen." Alex said horsed and Dr. Three was pleased.

Dr. Three took out a knife and cut Wolf's cheek. Alex looked surprised.

"For answering the question late. Take him back to the cell. I have more stuff for Mr. Rider." Dr. Three said and they force Wolf out of the room and back to his cell.


There is your torture for ya. More to come.

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now