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As Wolf was pulled out of the room Dr. Three smiled. There was a fire in the room and some branding iron sticks. Alex was thinking that this was going to be painful. Dr. Three circled around Alex. He began to cough because of the smoke from the fire.

"The board wants to put trade marks on you. I was happy to use two methods. The other one will be a three day processes but today is just pain." Dr. Three said and took one of the branding irons. It was a scorpion shape one.

He went behind Alex's back and pressed it onto his back. Alex tried not to move but it was burning pain. Alex tried not to make a sound but he had a small whimper. It was done within a minute and Alex was relieved but his skin was sizzling where the branding Iron was. Dr. Three only did one on his back.

Dr. Three had several men take Alex down and put him in a chair where his wrists were tied down and so was his fingers. Dr. Three came back over with a different branding Iron. This one had a small Scorpion and a S below it. Dr. Three pressed it against Alex's hand and Alex screamed this time. He did the same thing with is other hand. Once that was done, Alex was on the brink of being unconscious.

"Tomorrow a tattoo will be placed on you neck around your ear. It will be a three day process. I think we will make the scorpion a blue color. Make it pop out more. Have a happy 24 hour rest Alex. Put him back in his cell." Dr. Three walked out and the guards picked Alex back up.

They tossed Alex back into the cell with Wolf. Wolf got up and went over to Alex. He saw all the branding on Alex's hands. Wolf picked Alex up and went into a corner of the room. Wolf found out that it was warmer there. Alex was unconscious and Wolf waited till he opened his eyes.

Wolf heard his screams all the way in here so he knew that whatever they did was enough to make him scream twice. Wolf held Alex close to him. Wolf felt a connection to Alex, almost a brother thing but it was different and Wolf didn't know what it was.

Alex started to wake up. Alex's eyes fluttered open to see Wolf staring at him. Alex felt like he was on fire but that was because of where he were branded. Alex started to cough a little bit and Wolf grabbed the water the guards kept giving him.

"Drink." Alex looked at the water and shook his head. "Come on Cub, you need to drink just a little bit even if it's just a little bit. Snake will be furious if you can't talk again."

Alex nodded and he grabbed the cup and took a couple of sips. He felt that his throat was a little better. Then Alex looked into Wolf's eye and couldn't help to say what he was about to say.

"Wolf?" Alex asked.

"Yes Cub?" Wolf asked with a soft voice.

"Kiss me." Alex said and Wolf was surprised at what he said. Alex grabbed the back of Wolf's neck and pushed their lips together. Both of them closed their eyes. Wolf couldn't help think that Alex's lips were soft and gentle. After a minute Alex let go of the back of Wolf's head and passed out. Wolf opened his eyes and almost panicked.

Wolf was thinking that Alex was dead but he saw Alex breathing. Wolf sighed and brought Alex closer to him. Then Wolf figured out what the feeling he had for Alex. He was thinking that he might have been in love with him.

Wolf stopped thinking about that and he fell asleep with Alex closed to him as possible. Almost trying to protect him.


Few Hours later Wolf woke up to Alex moving. Wolf opened his eyes to see that Alex might be having a nightmare.

"Cub. Wake up, it's just a nightmare." Alex stopped move the little bit he was and opened his eyes. He was tired, his whole body was tired but he was happy to see Wolf's face.

"Hey." Alex said horsed. Wolf grabbed the water and there was several bottle waiting at the door. Wolf slid Alex off of him to get the water bottles.

"This is new." Wolf said and he sat down next to Alex. Wolf handed a bottle to Alex. Right away Alex opened up the bottle and drank half of it with in a few minutes.

"There probably going to move us soon." Alex said and Wolf looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Wolf asked.

"When I was kidnapped those 4 months, they moved me quite a bit. Putting me in random places and stuff like that. That was every 24 to 48 hours." Alex took another big sip of water. He laid his head back looking up at the ceiling. He was sweating a lot. Wolf put his hand on Alex's forehead.

"Fells like your getting a fever." Wolf said and Alex nodded.

"Most likely. They will come in here soon and give me medicine probably. They try not to make me die. Especially since they are going to put a tattoo on me. They want to keep that clean." Alex said and Wolf was a little worried.

"Tattoo?" Wolf asked.

"They said that in 24 hours that they are going to do a three day process of putting a tattoo around my ear of a scorpion. That means your apart of the bored but they just don't... Want people to... Trust me." Alex couldn't finish as he closed his eyes and fell to his side. Wolf got up and he was in front of Alex. He was breathing hard and look to be awake but out of it.

"Cub." Wolf checked his pulse and it was irregular. Several guards walked in.

"Move away from him now and put your hands above your head." Wolf did as he was told and several guards picked up Alex and took him away.

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now