We Are Our Way Cub

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Miss Jackson walked up to Dr. Three. He was outside Alex's room. He just returned Alex back to his room when she came.

"Dr. Three, we got conformation that the nanobots are in his brain. We can change what ever you want." Miss Jackson said.

"I want his eye color to change to red. Then upload all the files that we have. Also change some of his memories. I want him to think he was a double agent." Dr. Three then left her as she was changing what he wanted. Then she went off to her own room.

Alex was tossing and turning in his bed as he was dreaming. It was a nightmare.

Alex was running through the woods for some reason, he didn't know why. He kept running then he tripped, rolling down a hill. Once he stopped he rolled into something.

As Alex got up he saw the thing was a person. Also the person was wherein a SAS uniform. Alex rolled the person over to see Wolf. He was pale and a tint of blue to his face. Alex quickly checked for a pulse but didn't feel anything.

Alex started to do CPR on Wolf. Alex wasn't getting anywhere so he stopped and started to cry. Then Alex saw the person change to Yassen. Alex got up and looked at Yassen's dead body. Then A bullet went into his arm. Alex fell on his back.

When Alex sat up he saw K-unit against him with guns in their hands.

"He's apart of Scorpia. MI6 wants to interrogate him." Wolf said and Alex felt fear.

"Maybe we should kill him." Fox said and they pointed their guns at Alex. Then there was nothing but blackness. Then Alex opened his eyes. His dark red eyes.


A days later K-unit and the Sargent were about to leave. They were going to take a small jeep. All of them had bullet prof vests on with a earpiece all set up so they can communicate with the base. It had a lot of long range, you could say it was almost a a cellphone type of set up. Also their dog tags told the base where they were 24-7 and they had AK-47 by their side.

At about two hours before they left Ms. Jones walked into the base with a file in her hands. K-unit and the Sarge was in a room planning when she came in.

"Hello Ms. Jones."The Sargent said and she nodded.

"I have the file you asked for." She handed the file to the Sargent. "A file completely on their new head bored member."

The Sargent opened the file. There was not picture of the man. It was a only a page long. Mostly saying the the member was a male and no age.

"We don't have a lot on him. He just popped up a few days ago. Not a lot we can go on." Ms. Jones said and left the room. The team looked over the file several times. There not much else they could do but finish getting ready to leave.

Then it was an hour before they had to be at the place. They headed off to the place. It wasn't that fun of a trip because Eagle kept talking the whole time. All of them were about to explode by the time they got there.

They had 20 minutes till the meeting. On the land was a 850 sq. foot house that had only a few windows and one door. The outside was a log looking house with steps going up to it. Trees were in the background and it didn't look old. It looked like it was just put there.

K-unit watched the house for little bit and then they meet back up a few minutes before they had to meet in the house. They all meet back up at the jeep.

"I can't see much about the place but the few windows. If someone is in there, I don't see anyone." Wolf said and everyone nodded.

"What are we going to do?" Eagle asked.

"We should go in there with our guns at hand." The Sargent asked.

"Agreed." Wolf said with his gun in his hands. "Let's go." They went to the only door they saw and walked in seeing a opened area.There was someone sitting on a mat with candle surrounding him. They did a quick look around the room to see that there was no one in the house but him.

The man had a red cloak on with the hood up and his back was to k-unit. The team felt something go down their spin, almost like the man in front of them was the cause. They couldn't explain why, but they had their weapons in front of them.

"Are you the new head bored member for Scorpia?" Wolf asked. He didn't answer but Wolf was getting mad. "Talk to us. We came here for Cub and we can't do that if your silent."

Wolf stepped forward when the man put his hand up telling Wolf to stop moving. Wolf notice the hand was branded with a Scorpia symbol. Chills went down the teams spins again.

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now