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Third person

As Wolf was talking to Snake he felt Alex go limp in his arms. Wolf looked down and saw Alex had passed out and wasn't breathing. Wolf pushed Alex off of him and listened to his heart. It was irregular.

"Snake. Get over here." Wolf yelled at Snake and he ran and checked on Alex.

"I need a nasal cannula and some food." Snake said and Ian and Yassen ran out of the hall. A few minutes later Ian came back with an oxygen tank and a nasal cannula. Yassen was right behind him and had yogurt and an apple. Snake put the nasal cannula around Alex and connected it to an oxygen tank. Alex slowly came to and opened his eyes. He was malnourished. Alex looked around with unfocused eyes. Wolf held the yogurt out to him. Wolf took a spoon and took a little bit to try and feed Alex.

"Come on Alex. You need to eat. Even if you throw it back up." Wolf said and Alex opens his mouth and had some yogurt. Alex felt a little bit better but it was nothing new. They helped Alex sit up and Snake checked on him.

"Your still too skinny Cub." Snake said sadly. Alex was about 100 pounds and you could see his ribs. For his height he sold have been at least 180 to be at a good weight.

"I know. Scoripa didn't give me food at all." Alex said weakly. Alex closed his eyes for a minute and opened them back up very slowly. Alex ended up looking at Ian. "Help me up. I need to go." Alex said trying to get up, but Wolf stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere," Wolf said as he grabbed Alex arm. "You just passed out because you didn't have any food in your system." Then Alex took out the nasal cannula and coughed a little bit.

"I'm fine really," Alex said getting up slowly, trying not to rip a stitch in his leg. Snake handed him an apple.

"You can go if you can eat this apple and tell us what happened, without throwing up." Snake said and Alex took the apple and started to eat it. Alex took a shaky breath.

"Well, it happened again, but this time it was only the man. His lips so rough and... And..." Alex started to feel the food come up. Yassen saw Alex turning green and ran him into the bathroom. He threw up all of the food from his stomach and he felt weak from it. Ian remembered when Alex got sick when he was younger. He didn't have a lot of those memories because he was away and Jackie would take care of him.

"How's Jackie doing?" Ian asked and Alex stiffened as he remembered Jack dying that horrible death. Ian notice Alex's sadden expression. Wolf touched Ian's shoulder and Ian turned around.

"She died over a year ago. Car bomb." Wolf said quietly so Alex could not hear it. Alex went into an expressionless stare as he remembered Jackie's death, then the women and the man. There kisses so different but also the same. Alex got up of the floor of the bathroom. Yassen was right beside him just in case he falls.

"What happened to the man that was in that room I was in at Scorpia's?" Alex asked. Ian looked at Alex and saw fear in his eyes.

"I didn't kill him if that's what your asking?" Ian said. More went into Alex's eyes. "Alex, I don't kill people in cold blood." Alex looked at Ian mad.

"Do you know what he did to me! He raped me twice. I know you didn't know at the time but he was in the same room as me and I was basically naked with him there!" Alex yelled and Ian looked surprised that Alex yelled at him. Yelling made Alex dizzy so he leaned heavily against the wall. Yassen went close to Alex. "Don't you dare touch me Yassen or I will knock you out." Alex threatened and he walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed. Alex's eyes got heavier and he made it to the bed to claps into sleep. The others were worried but saw he was asleep. They put him under the covers and left him to sleep.

Alex Rider: TortureWhere stories live. Discover now