The Note

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Alex opened his eyes about an hour after Wolf left. Alex didn't know that Wolf was gone yet but he felt sick. Alex didn't fell Wolf behind him and the bathroom door was closed so he thought Wolf was up.

Alex closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep. He had a pounding headache and he was cold. As Alex went into a light sleep, Yassen walked out of the bathroom. He was looking after Alex for a little bit.

Yassen sat down in one of the chairs in the room and read a book. Yassen had gone through the same thing as Alex so he knew that the second day was the worst. He still didn't remember Alex, only what had happen the past few days.

Yassen heard movement and looked up from his book to see Alex laying on his back. Alex had been sleeping for about 13 hours now. Yassen thought that, that was pretty long for him.

About a few minutes later, Alex opened his eyes again and felt something was coming up his throat. Alex slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He reached the toilet just in time before he threw up. Yassen was right behind him, making sure he was okay.

Once Alex was done throwing up, he laid on his back. The bathroom was huge. Alex want to curl up right there and sleep. Then Alex noticed Yassen was right outside the bathroom watching him.

"Yassen?" Alex said and he went closer to Alex and knelled down next to him.

"Sit up. You will feel a lot better." Yassen helped Alex sit up and his back was against the wall. Yassen got up and grabbed a wash cloth. He got it wet and wiped way some of the sweat that was dripping down Alex. Soon after that, Alex fell back asleep. Yassen picked him up and sat him back down in the bed.


Wolf had just read the note and his face was frowning even more than normal. Eagle was getting nervous.

"What does it say?" Eagle asked.

"It tells us were Cub will be in a few days. They want a trade and that there new head board member will be there to see the transaction. They want us and the Sarge to come alone to discuss the trade." Wolf said. "We will go if you guys want to go."

Snake sat down next to Wolf. Snake noticed that he was down when normal he's not really down like he was right now.

"It's Cub. We have to go if we want him back. I'm sure Sarge would go too." Snake said and Wolf perked up a little bit more.

"Let's save Cub." Eagle said and everyone looked at Fox.

"We will kill the baster that hurt Cub." Fox said and Wolf had a small smile.

"Let's go tell Sarge." Wolf said getting up slowly. They walked to Sarge's office and knocked on the door. They heard a come in and they stood at attention.

"At ease. Wolf I see your back. Where's Cub?" He asked looking for Alex. Wolf handed the Sarge the note and he read it.

"We were going to go and save him, even f it's a trap." Snake said and the Sarge nodded.

"I'll go too, but we want to bring automatic weapons, dog tags and earpieces." They all nodded and left the office. The meting was two days away at about an hour drive away. They wanted to get Cub back bad and this was there only way.


Alex slept through most of the day. A few hours before Alex had to get the third phase of the tattoo, Alex was mumbling Wolf's name. He was dreaming, running to get Wolf back from some force. After a minute Alex woke up. Yassen was still in the room and he walked over to Alex.

"Can you sit up?" Yassen asked and Alex nodded. Yassen helped Alex sit up.

Alex's head was spinning a little bit and Yassen gave Alex a bottle of water. Alex drank a little bit of the water which helped with Alex's headache. Yassen grabbed a little bit of food and handed it to Alex.

"I'm not hungry." Alex said and the headache came back.

"You need to eat. The headache is because of lack of food." Yassen handed the food back to Alex and he ate some of it. It took him an hour to eat the little amount of food that Yassen gave him. A little bit later Yassen left the room and Alex got up. Alex wen to the bathroom and took a quick shower. The shower was as cold as a shower could be. Alex didn't feel the water so he hopped out and got dried off.

Alex sat down on one of the beds and waited. Dr. Three walked in and Alex didn't move. He walked over to Alex.

"You ready?" He asked and Alex slowly got up and followed Dr. Three back to the same room once again. Alex sat down in the chair. The man got to work. He was making the scorpion look more life like. Also they added red eyes to the tattoo. With in two hours, Alex was back in his room falling asleep as Dr. Three and Miss Jackson change Alex behind the door.


Another Cliffhanger. I'm so mean but you don't have to wait long. I listen to music while I write and if you have a favorite song. Comment it and I will listen to it for the next chapter.

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