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Alaenys stood before the Sept, as she had her wedding dress on. She had already hated this day and she couldn't wait for it to be over. She looked in the mirror a final time before everyone went to the Sept. Aegon would already be inside, and Alaenys was going to be escorted in by her father, Laenor Velaryon.

"Nervous?" he asked her, as he looked at his daughter. He knew, and she knew, that they weren't technically father and daughter, but Alaenys and Laenor still shared their Valyrian bond, and that's all that mattered to either of them. "A little" Alaenys said. Before Laenor walked in, he stopped for a minute. "You know, Targaryen's are Dragonriders" he said and Alaenys furrowed her brows at her father. She wondered what he meant when she suddenly understood. Targaryens were Dragonriders, true Targaryen's were. And Alicent Hightower was not a Targaryen, nor were the Kingsguard. "Yes, we are" Alaenys said.

Laenor and Alaenys walked in, with the Velaryon cloak over her shoulders. They slowly walked forward, with the King and Queen as well as their remaining children, Aemond and Helaena, As Rhaenyra stood on the otherside, with Jace, Luke, and Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys. She was slightly saddened Laena hadn't answered the letter, knowing her father had send a letter to invite her anyways.

"Who gives this woman?" the Septon asked, once they had reached the front. "ser Laenor of House Velaryon" Laenor said, and looked at his daughter, who gave him small smile. "Who takes her?" the Septon asked. "Aegon of House Targaryen" Aegon said and looking at Alaenys. "Please cloak the bride" the Septon said, and Aegon replaced the Velaryon cloak, which was given back to Laenor. Aegon placed the Targaryen cloak over her shoulders and took her hand as they stood before the Septon.

"Please repeat the words" the Septon said. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger" they said as they hands were bound together by the Septon. "I am his/hers. and s/he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days" Aegon and Alaenys said. "You may kiss the bride" the Septon said, and Aegon placed his free hand on Alaenys cheek as he softly kissed her lips, which was unlike the kiss they shared the other day.

Everyone cheered, because everyone knew that Alaenys would one day sit the Iron Throne, with her husband Aegon Targaryen, who most Lords believed to be the Rightful Heir. It seemed that no matter what, the people of Westeros would all be satisfied in the decision who would sit the Throne, but not everything is what it seemed.

They all walked back to the Red Keep, where a feast would be held. They first all ate, and then it was time for Alaenys and Aegon to have the first dance, and it had so far been a lot less messy than Rhaenyra's own wedding had been. Alaenys had a smile on her face during the dancing, as she managed to dance with her brothers, and even Aemond. Helaena didn't seem to want to, but Alaenys still made time for the young Princess.

While Alaenys was entertaining herself on the dance floor, a big smile on her face, she saw Alicent approach her mother, with the Septon behind her. She quickly looked around for Aegon, who she quickly found drowning—Gods know how many it had been—glass of wine. "Come" Alaenys spoke, holding her dress and dragged Aegon away from the feast.

Aegon, too drunk to phantom what was happening, blindly followed his new wife. Alaenys took Aegon to the Dragonpit, but in his drunken state he couldn't even manage to find his own dragon. Alaenys rolled her eyes, and threw her husband against Naela, who huffed in the same annoyance as her rider.

"How are you going to make me blush, when you are too drunk to even look at your own feet" Alaenys said, wondering if all along, Aegon had just made her swoon for her to not notice his true self. Aegon smiled at Alaenys, his smile crooked and his breath reeking of the Westerosi wine they had served. "I can still make you blush" Aegon said, and Alaenys rolled her eyes. She slapped him hard across the face.

"You couldn't make me blush even if you tried" Alaenys said. Aegon seemed to be snapped out of it for a moment, as his smirked regained the normal position on his face. "Want to make that bet, wife?" Aegon said. Alaenys raised an eyebrow before Aegon pressed his lips on hers. Naela, taking it as her cue to leave, went back further into her place in the Dragonpit, as Aegon—finally sobered up—lifted Alaenys against the wall of the Dragonpit, both thanking the Gods that the Dragonkeepers didn't work today in celebration of their union.

Alaenys, who was never one to back down from anything, weaved her fingers in Aegon's long wavy hair as he lifted her skirt, his fingers slowly then slightly rougher preparing her for him.

Aegon's lips had tasted like the wine he had been drinking all night, and Alaenys felt like she got drunk just from that. And while Aegon was taking his time, Alaenys wasn't as patience. Neither of them had truly the best history with patience. Aegon was known to be quick to anger, as was Alaenys, and both were wishing for the moment to go faster. Alaenys wrapped one leg around Aegon's waist and pulled him closer as she undid his trousers with quick hands which made Aegon smirk.

"Impatient, Princess?" he chuckled, but bit his own tongue when she let her hands slide into his underpants. "What was that?" she asked, cockily. Alaenys didn't wait much longer before she removed Aegon's hands from under her skirt to have him take her.

Aegon might have been a little more awake, but he was still not fully present in the moment, and annoyed by it, Alaenys made them fall to the ground, as she sat on top of him, his head rolled back as he grabbed her hips. Very lazily rocking her, which felt too cruel for her taste as she picked up speed and chased her own high. She couldn't care less about Aegon's pleasure, she doubted he'd remember it anyways.

Alaenys could tell Aegon came before her, but she had ignored it until she managed to find her own release. They fell down on the ground of the Dragonpit, Aegon already half asleep, which did not do wonders for Alaenys self-esteem, but she knew it had to be done, and she prayed to the Gods, it would give her a son. That's all she needed, one son from Aegon.

She grabbed a stone from the floor and made a small cut on her hand, not deep enough to scar, but deep enough to bleed. The blood was robbed over her dress, she knew Alicent would want proof of their union, and this would be it.

Aegon and Alaenys managed to sleep in the Dragonpit, eventually surrounded by their Dragons before they were found by the Dragonkeepers who had called upon the Kingsguard to bring them back to the Red Keep. They were brought forth to Queen Alicent, who looked down on their state, of dirtied clothes and alcohol smelling breaths. "Where have you two been?" she demanded, as they looked at each other and then the ground.

"Well?" She yelled out before the doors opened and Rhaenyra walked inside, walking over to her daughter. "Are you alright?" she asked, trying to ignore the blood on the dress. "I'm fine" Alaenys told her. It made Aegon jealous, in his entire life, he couldn't remember his mother being this concerned for his well-being, other than making sure he knew the throne was supposed to be his. "Let them go, Your Grace, they've had their fun" Rhaenyra said, standing next to her daughter.

"They had a duty" Alicent said. "A duty we preformed" Alaenys defended herself, as Aegon smirked. He didn't remember much but he remembered that. Alaenys was clearly more dominant than he was, and he loved her for it. Alicent scoffed. "There is nothing else to be done about it now" Rhaenyra said. "Fine" Alicent said, waving her hand to dismiss the two newlyweds, but as Alaenys walked past, she grabbed her arm. "I shall pray to the Gods you bare a son" Alicent told Alaenys as she walked away.


happy house of the dragon day<3

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