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Alaenys had tears in her eyes as she witnessed her mother, father and three little brothers leave for Dragonstone. She wished more than anything that she could come with. She had stood at the gates of King's Landing, for hours, until someone had held her hand. "We'll still be here" Aemond said to her, and she smiled.

At least she'd have Helaena and Aemond, they seemed to be the only ones who cared for her now. She walked back inside, and decided to find a hobby, given most of the people she cared for had left, as had the Strong's all except Larys who still seemed to roam around the Red Keep. Alaenys wore the green dress like she was supposed to, but she would not forget that she was a Velaryon, even if she wasn't so in blood.

"Princess, they wish to see you" ser Harrold said and Alaenys nodded before she walked towards the small council. "Your Grace" she said when she saw her grandfather, and King. as she bowed slightly. Soon after her, Aegon, Aemond and Helaena followed. "I come with grief news" Viserys said, looking upon his children, and granddaughter. "the Lady Laena, your cousin, and aunt has died" Viserys said. In all her life, Alaenys could not remember her aunt Laena, she had left shortly after her birth when she married Daemon Targaryen, who was already in exile. Her father must be stricken with terrible grief.

"We shall go to Driftmark, in two days' time" Alicent told them. "Must we?" Aegon asked, looking at his father. Alicent send a look to Aegon, trying to shut him up. "the Lady Laena is the daughter of Lord Corlys, House Velaryon is of the Blood of Old Valyria, she is your cousin, and your aunt" Viserys said standing up, with difficulty. "You will respect her, and you will show respect to Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys" Viserys said before he left.

Just before Alaenys could walk around and another entered. Otto Hightower walked into the room of the Small Council. He had not been to the Capital since the wedding of Aegon and Alaenys. "Your Grace" Otto said and bowed before the Queen and the lords. Alaenys looked at the man who looked back at her.

It seemed only Otto Hightower could confirm what no one else could, that Alaenys Velaryon was Daemon Targaryen's daughter, because no other would have that look in their eyes as they looked at him. Alaenys eyes had been near copies of her father's, her true father. It did not matter now anyways, he knew from Alicent that the King had been blinded towards Rhaenyra's children, and if she was Daemon's she was a full-blooded Targaryen, which would make her children with Aegon, Targaryen as well. They would have the stronger claim. Yet, nearing a year, and Alaenys had yet to be with child.

"Father" Alicent said, looking at her father and smiling before walking over and bestowing onto him, the pin which belonged to the Hand. Lord Lyonel Strong had barely left the Kingsland, and Hightower had been back already. Alaenys nearly scuffed and walked out of the room, when ser Harrold stopped her. "I was told to give you this" ser Harrold said and gave her a roll of parchment.

She opened it and quickly covered her mouth. There had been a fire at Harrenhal, and the lives of many, including Lord Lyonel and ser Harwin had been taken in it. "Are you alright?" Helaena asked, when she saw her good-sister's face. "Ser Harwin is dead" Alaenys said. "Rats among Dragons" Helaena muttered. Alaenys didn't pay it much mind and smiled at Helaena. "Come, let us not mourn the dead, but let us celebrate their lives" Alaenys said, linking her arms with Helaena.

They walked outside, into the gardens, smiling with each other. "Why should we not mourn?" Helaena asked, when Alaenys laid down in the grass, her silver wavy hair spread out. "Because how would it help them if we are sad?" Alaenys said looking at the clear sky. "Should we fly to Driftmark?" Alaenys asked, looking at Helaena. "Do you think my mother would allow it?" Helaena asked. Her bond with Dreamfyre had been a special one, Alaenys could tell. "We are dragonriders, what could anyone do to us?" Alaenys said, and Helaena smiled, she enjoyed flying, just as Alaenys did.

Alaenys and Helaena spend their time outside until they were called in for supper. Everyone sat silently around the table, the King, Queen, the Hand, and all of Alicent's children, with the exception of Daeron who had been a squire in Oldtown with his Great Uncle. "We wanted to use this supper as an announcement." Alicent said and smiled. "Helaena will be betrothed to Daeron, and once his teachings have finished, they shall be wed" Alicent said smiling at Helaena, who didn't know if she should smile. She had seen one brother's marriage, which hadn't even been a year and he had already started to ignore his wife. Which she didn't mind, given Alaenys spend her time with her.

"Congratulations, Princess" Alaenys was the first to speak up, holding up her glass of wine. "Thank you, Princess" Helaena said softly, and Otto smiled at her. "Daeron is doing very well in Old Town, he would make you a fine husband, Princess" Otto told the Princess who smiled at the Hand, her grandfather.

Silent fell again as everyone was eating, until Helaena spoke up again. "I wondered, if we could fly with our dragons to Driftmark" Helaena asked, as Alaenys looked from under her eyelashes at the King and Queen. Before Alicent could speak, the King smiled. "Of course, you are blood of the Dragon, and Dragonriders" Viserys said and Helaena smiled at her good-sister.

Alaenys smiled back but her smile disappeared when she saw Aemond's upset face. "Aemond, if you don't mind, you may fly with me" Alaenys offered. "Naela is big enough for two" Alaenys offered. Aemond looked at her, giving her a smile. He had never ridden a Dragon before, and it wasn't because of lack of trying. "Thank you" he said and smiled at her.

Aemond's boyish crush had not weakened and if anything, he believed it to be stronger. He saw the mistreatment of his brother towards his wife, and he was appalled by it. Aegon did try, but he was no man to focus on one woman long. He never had. Once he had enjoyed them, he often sought out another. Aemond had believed he'd wed Helaena, given he was the second son, and he wondered why they had chosen to wed her to Daeron, yet on another hand he had been glad, he knew he could not love any wife he'd have, not like he loved Alaenys.

Love had been a big word for such a young man, of nearly 14. But he had seen bad examples of it, and good ones. Everyone knew ser Harwin had loved Princess Rhaenyra and loved her sons—which were actually his—like no other. Aemond inspired to have that, it seemed to be the only healthy relationship in the Red Keep for his grandfather had not remarried after the death of his wife.

Slowly one by one people went to their chambers, all except Alaenys. She had seen how drunk Aegon had been, and she knew what he would do if he was. He didn't do much, clearly, otherwise she would probably with child now. She longed for it, she truly did. At least a child in her arms and at her breast would give her something in this castle that was hers, and not a part of the Hightowers.

She eventually dragged herself towards her room, where she saw Aegon on their bed, passed out with his wine cup on the floor. She changed herself and crawled into bed herself. Not looking forward to spending a few days on Driftmark. 


chapter eight coming soon, after that there will most likely be a time jump which will be different from the show

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