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CHAPTER TWO: betrothed

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CHAPTER TWO: betrothed


Alaenys had spent more of her time flying her dragon, Naela, because somehow, she had a feeling of oncoming doom, like something bad would happen soon, so, flying was her way of avoiding the whole thing. She wasn't always allowed to train with the boys, despite King Viserys ordering it so. While Helaena had chosen not to join them, preferring the company of her bugs, which Alaenys found adorable. Helaena had been year younger than Alaenys had been and while Queen Alicent had often told her children to stay away from Rhaenyra's the two young girls didn't listen to a feud started by their parents.

In the Small Council, Rhaenyra had looked at the Council members. "My Lords, My King, My Queen, I have a proposal I would like to place before you" Rhaenyra said, and all the Lords looked at her. "I want to propose we betroth my daughter and heir, Alaenys, with Aegon, so they may rule together" Rhaenyra said looking at everyone. Before Alicent could object, Viserys smiled. "Oh, what a marvellous idea to bring together the families" Viserys said. "Aegon and Alaenys are still young, no need to wed them yet" Alicent tried.

"Well, there is only one thing to determine that" Viserys said. Viserys looked at the Grand Maester who slightly felt uncomfortable. "All we need to know is if the princess has bled yet" the Grand Maester said and all the men tried to look away as Princess Rhaenyra nodded at the Grand Maester, she hated having to do this to her daughter, but it would strengthen the relationship and hopefully keep Alicent away from her children.

"Then that settles it" Viserys said smiling at the Lords at the table, while Alicent looked angry, but she also knew she couldn't say something. "When did you want the wedding to be held, Your Grace" the Hand, Lyonel Strong, asked. "Within the next Moon should do" Viserys said. "We'll have a tournament as well" Viserys said, and the Lords looked at each other. Everyone knew the Kingdom did not have enough money to spend on a tournament. And with the last Royal wedding ending in the death of Joffrey Lonmouth, not many people were looking forward to that. But the King, in his old age, didn't seem to notice the most obvious things.

"We shall tell Aegon as soon as possible" Viserys said, smiling at his wife as she forced a smile on her face. "I shall inform Alaenys" Rhaenyra said before the Small Council all went their own way again. Rhaenyra walked the halls of the Castle, looking for her daughter as she tried to find the courage. She hated how she had to use her own daughter for political protection, but it had been the only way for rumours to stop spreading.

She found Alaenys with her younger brothers, Lucerys almost on her lap as she was telling them a story, specifically about Aegon the conqueror. Rhaenyra watched the scene, smiling as Lucerys was hanging on to every word his sister told him. "Where is your father, boys?" Rhaenyra asked as she entered the room. "In the courtyard" Jacaerys answered, and Rhaenyra nodded. "Why don't you go to him, I need a word with your sister" Rhaenyra said and Jace and Luke looked at their sister. "ooh" they said as Alaenys rolled her eyes at her little brothers. They left and Rhaenyra sat down in front of her daughter.

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