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CHAPTER TEN: The Fourteen Flames

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CHAPTER TEN: The Fourteen Flames


Alaenys hadn't felt as good as she did in a long while, and tournaments weren't really her thing. But here she was sitting between her husband, and Prince Aemond, as they watched the tournament. None of the princes participated in them, they didn't care for them. Alaenys liked to use the tourneys as a distraction from her everyday life.

The Knights had come from all over, but the one that stood out to Alaenys was the one from Tarth, who seemed to be outsmarting his opponents before their horses even began to ride. Alaenys clapped for the knight and smiled even brighter when the Targaryen banners went up. Daeron Targaryen, who had been learning more and more how to be a knight after he trained to be a squire.

He was a good knight, but not as good as the Tarth Knight, and Alaenys clapped for the knight. Something that caused Aegon to give her a side eye in annoyance, because in spite of their marriage being basically a scam, he was a possessive man, and wanted to show everyone that the Princess was his.

Aemond, on her other side, was less of a possessive man, and more of a jealous one. Specifically jealous of his own brother, for he had the Princess, and mistreated her like a common whore. She deserved better than that. But despite his jealousy, Aemond could not prove himself, not in tourneys, he didn't give a shit about them.

Before the last round, the Tarth knight walked over to the Royal box and smiled at the Princess. "Princess Alaenys, may I have your favour? For surely with it, I shall win this tourney" he said, and placed his lance on the railing. Alaenys stood up, grabbing her favour, and putting it on the lance. "May you ride well, ser" she said, and he smiled at her before she went to sit back down. Aegon scolded as he cursed the Knight under his breath, one that was already reeking of wine before midday.

Aegon's way of life, and his drinking habbits, had made Alaenys hate the smell of wine, and she started to prefer ale, in spite of it being seen as a commoner's drink. She had been locked away in the Keep, why should she not enjoy what she loved.

The Knight was to ride against Criston Cole, and Aegon smiled, for he surely believed Cole would ride better than the Tarth Knight who dared ask the favour if his wife, but Alaenys' hatred for the Kingsguard knight was too much for her to root for him.

Both Knights rode fast and once their lances hit, both stayed on their horses, making them turn, grab new lances and ride again, Alaenys sat on the edge of her chair, until the lance hit the shield of Cole, who fell off his horse quickly. Alaenys cheered, probably louder than anyone else.

"In honour of the winnings of ser James of Tarth, we shall hold a feast!" the Lord Hand announced, not that it had been a surprise, there had already been a feast in the planning for Aemond's name day. The Lords and Ladies in the Royal box stood and one by one left to go back to the castle. All but Alaenys is seemed, she walked towards the Dragonpit, smiling when she saw Naela.

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