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Alaenys had stayed behind with her children and her bannermen, hoping for everyone's safe return. Jace had flown the furthest, to Winterfell. He had not flown alone until he had reached above the Vale, that's when Aemond had landed in the Eyrie to speak with Lady Jeyne Arryn.

"I come in favour of the Queen" Aemond said presenting Lady Arryn with Alaenys explanation. Jeyne had read it and looked at Aemond. "This letter tells me you will co-rule" Jeyne said. Aemond smiled. "I am here as support to my wife, and my Queen." Aemond said. "She wishes to co-rule, and I shall respect her wishes" Aemond said. Jeyne nodded. "No alternative motive, your wife is going against your brother" Jeyne said. "He is no brother of mine" Aemond quickly said.

Jeyne nodded. She stood from the Throne of the Eyrie and walked towards Aemond. "Have you come here with your large Dragon to intimidate me?" Jeyne asked. "No, I have come here to ask for your pledge, to the rightful Queen. The Greens killed Princess Rhaenyra, your cousin through your father I believe" Aemond said, and Jeyne nodded. "Indeed, she was. Queen Aemma was an Arryn, my father's sister" Jeyne said. "I will not support Alaenys because she is blood. We are women, and in this world, we need to band together" Jeyne said. "Many men have underestimated me, Your Grace, even my own cousin, you may ask him yourself in my sky cells" Jeyne said.

"The Queen would let you keep the title of Warden of the East, and rule it as such, Aegon would strip you from it" Aemond said. Jeyne looked at him, stepping closer. "Tell your wife, your Queen, that the Vale pledges for her" Jeyne said, and Aemond nodded his head in thanks.

Daemon had gone to Riverrun, and quickly had convinced Lord Tully to pledge to his daughter, before he flew towards Harrenhal, where he had decided to reclaim it, in the name of the Queen Alaenys.

Jacaerys had flown to Winterfell, and Cregan Stark had welcomed him with open arms, yet also felt insulted that he needed to be reminded of the oath of his father. "Your father swore an oath to my mother, and they killed her, now it is my sister who is the rightful Queen." Jacaerys said and looked at Cregan. Cregan laughed. "If your sister is the Heir of the one my father swore his oath to, then I shall swear my oath to her" Cregan said. "Besides, my Winter Wolves can use a good fight" Cregan said and the men in his hall cheered.

"We shall march South for your Queen, if she needs us to" Cregan said. "She'll have my house, my sword, and my men" Cregan said and Jace nodded in appreciation.

Lucerys had flown to Storm's End, mentally preparing for Lord Borros Baratheon, and when he arrived all—but the oncoming storm—was well. He stood before the knights. "I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon, here on an envoy of the Queen" Lucerys said before he was brought before Lord Borros. The hall was nearly empty except for some people of the court. "Prince Lucerys Velaryon, on behalf of Princess Alaenys" one knight said, and when Luke turned around, he saw ser Criston Cole.

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