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It had been written by the Maesters that they called the first hour of Queen Alaenys' reign the Hour of the Wolf. Cregan had acted, not only as Lord of Winterfell, but as executioner for the Queen, the rightful Queen. He beheaded the Small Council; Lord Wylde, Grandmaester Orwyle, and Lord Larys Strong. Any Lord or Lady that still would not pledge to her, would meet the same fate, or would be fed to Caraxes.

Prince Daemon stood by his daughter's side, until they had brought over all the children again, Alaenys had changed into a deep purple dress, her necklace around her neck where the Amethyst glistered. Lord Corlys would remain Hand of the King and Queen, until his passing in 137 AC, it had then been Prince Daeron she had asked as Hand, and ser Erryk had been her Lord Commander until his dead in 148 AC.

Prince Daemon remained her Master of War until his death in 154 AC, at age 63, due to a battle in Dorne when the Dornish started to rise against the Throne again for their independence. Caraxes would then be claimed by his grandson, Daemion, son of Alaenys and Aemond, who had been 25 and just lost his first dragon, Morghul, in the Conquest of Dorne. Aemond had lost Vhagar during the same battle and claimed his daughter's dragon, Bazmion, after.

Alaenys had named her son, Aenar, her Heir and her son would eventually marry his cousin, Elaena Targaryen a dragondreamer like her mother Helaena. Alaenys found peace and victory in the Conquest of Dorne following the death of Vhagar, as Viserra had expressed her desire to marry Prince Qyle, the brother of the Princess of Dorne. Her son, Daemion, would later on wed the daughter of Cregan Stark, and live out his life with her in the North, some say some of their children started other Northern houses, but no Maester could ever proof it. Maelor was Alaenys only child who never wed, nor ever had children, not even bastards. He remained the loyal sword of his older brother, Aenar, as he rode the brutal Cannibal.

Queen Alaenys reigned until her death, in 178 AC, she had been 71 years old at the time, her husband had died a year before of Springfever. Her daughter, Viserra, had told her siblings to not mourn the Queen, for she had found peace and had reunited with those she lost long ago. After her death, Prince Aenar, first of his name, became King of the Seven Kingdoms. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters with his wife: Prince Aemon, Prince Viserys, Prince Lucerys, Princess Rhaenyra, and Princess Aemma. Prince Aemon followed after his father after his father, Aenar died in battle against the bastard son of Aegon, second of his name, who believed it should have been him on the throne, for he had the blood of King Aegon II.

Aegon's bastard had been missed by many, but none had been surprised there were more bastards around, and Aenar had been glad his mother was not alive to see. It had ended as quickly as it began, but the Rebellion had caused the deaths of almost all the dragon that remained. After not many eggs hatched, and if they did the hatchlings were weak and died shortly after.

When Prince Aemon became King, he wed Mariah Martell and continued the line, until it would finally reach Daenerys Targaryen, and her brothers; Viserys and Rhaegar. They had not been the only one's descendant from Alaenys and Aemond, as had House Martell been, and House Baratheon, even House Stark had distant ties to Alaenys and Aemond.

But none had been like Alaenys and Aemond as Princess Alaenya, named for the first Targaryen Queen history remembered, and the older twin sister of Daenerys Targaryen who had stolen dragon eggs from Dragonstone, as she had been the only one to escape exile to Westeros. She had no idea if her twin was still alive, but she would bring back glory to the House of the Dragon.


might have a sequel set in game of thrones, for aemond there are currently others on my profile, or perhaps in the future i'll make more(highly likely, but do let me know what aemond fics y'all like)

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