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Queen Alicent had first taken Alaenys to see Aegon, who didn't seem to care all that much, besides the fact he could tell he did get it up, which disgusted Alaenys even further, and even got her an apology from Alicent, who dismissed Aegon before she took Alaenys to see the King and the Hand to tell the joyful news.

The whole time Alaenys was dragged around by the Queen, to tell the news of her finally being with child, she wondered what Aemond would say, yet it seemed he had heard the news through the whispers of the handmaidens of the Hand, and he had been angry. He did not know, unlike Alaenys, that the children, the very small barely developed babes in her belly, were his.

He had decided to spend his day in the courtyard, angrily hitting his sword against the dummies, and the sword of any knight who dared challenge him, but after the third great knight of the castle defeated by Aemond's anger, they stopped trying to fight the One-Eyed Prince. He had hit the dummy so hard and so often, his sword had become blunt.

Alaenys had been writing a letter to her mother and her brothers, telling them the news. All the while Alicent wanted to hold a feat, invite Lords of the Realm to come support to coming babe. Alaenys walked out of the castle, into the courtyard to stop the messenger to ask if he could deliver the letter to Dragonstone to her mother. "What letter of importance do you have that you ask the messenger yourself" ser Criston asked, which caused Princess Alaenys to look at him with great annoyance. "I assume you are aware that my business is my own, ser Cole. You are a Knight, nothing more. You shall not question the Princess" Alaenys said, as she walked away from him.

However, Criston did not appreciate her poisonous tongue towards him. "Have care how you speak" he said, grabbing her arm. Alaenys looked at his hand, and the people in the yard stopped what they were doing, finally daring to take their eyes away from Prince Aemond's skill, as they looked at the Kingsguard who dared touch the Princess. Aemond, even in anger towards the Princess, walked over.

His sharp sword at the ready. "Be careful now, ser Criston" Alaenys said as all eyes were on them. "The Queen may have given you mercy when you killed an innocent man at my parents' wedding but trust me when I saw that the blood of the Dragon in my veins is not as merciful" she said, eyeing him up and down. "Remove your hand, or I shall have your head cropped from your neck" she said through gritted teeth, making sure only Criston and Aemond heard her. "You and whose sword?" Criston asked.

Aemond unsheathed his sword, pointing it at Cristons neck. "Mine" Aemond said, which caused both Alaenys and Criston to look surprised. Alaenys knew he promised his sword to her, but she didn't know how far Aemond was willing to go. "You are threatening the future Queen, and her unborn child, how do you think the King will act on that?" Aemond said, pushing his sword a little deeper into Criston's neck. Cole raised his hands, walking back and away from Alaenys.

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