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Princess Rhaenyra and her House had left King's Landing, in the hope to return as soon as possible after everything was settled again. Princess Alaenys spent most of the night screaming in pain, labour had been harder and far more difficult than when Viserra had been born, and all Alaenys could hear was the words of Helaena wondering what it meant.

"Princess, I need you to try and push" the midwives told her, but she shook her head as she walked through the room. "I can't" she cried like a mantra, shaking her head as it reached the hour of the bat. The midwives spoke to each other perhaps they should ask Prince Aegon what to do, but when a midwife went to ask, she came back with the claimant Prince Aegon was nowhere in the castle, and everyone else had been asleep. "Is there anyone we could ask?" one midwife spoke to another.

Ser Erryk, who had proudly guarded her door, walked in after hearing the midwives discuss the matter. "Prince Aemond, he's the sworn sword of Princess Alaenys' children, he will know her wishes" Erryk said, slightly lying, but that wouldn't concern them. "could you fetch him, ser Erryk?" the midwife asked and Erryk agreed.

Aemond had not yet found sleep as he had been pacing in his room. He wore simple breeches he used for sleep and a loose shirt when he was awoken from his thoughts. When he saw ser Erryk he feared the worst. "the midwives don't know what to do" Erryk said Aemond followed the knight.

Aemond had disregarded his eyepatch earlier, now slightly regretting it as he walked into Alaenys room. "Alaenys" he said walking to her, holding her arms as she stood in the room. "she won't push, it will be dangerous for both mother and babe" the midwife informed him. Aemond nodded, a clear man on a mission.

"Alaenys, did you hear that, you need to push" Aemond said but she shook her head. "I will lose the babe" she cried and looked at her true husband, his one real eye glistered with a tear whole the other, the Amethyst, had managed to capture the moon and reflect it. "You won't if you push, alright?" Aemond said, slightly afraid of making such promise to her but he could lose both his child and wife in the same day.

Alaenys placed herself on her bed and Aemond sat behind her, holding her hands as the midwives helped her. She finally started to push, and luckily soon the first cry was heard.

"A boy, Princess" The midwife said and cut the umbilical court before cleaning the babe with a warm wet cloth. Alaenys extended her arms toward the child, but they wouldn't place him in her arms. "You arent ready yet, Princess" the midwife closest to her said, looking at the princess. "Another babe is coming, you need to push again" she said and Alaenys nodded, holding on to Aemond again, who whispered encouraging words to her as she pushed again.

The second cry was heard, slightly louder and also soon taken for cleaning off the blood. The midwife pressed on Alaenys belly, until she felt what she needed. "Princess, there is a third" the midwife said.

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