Joe Sugg (willowlywriter)

409 4 8

Unfortunately, this wattpad fcking deleted everything i wrote. I hate that .UGH.

Anyways, this imagine is requested by willowlywriter. If you want one you can send me a private message in here or in tumblr as @youtubersimaginemaker and if you don't have any of that, you can reach me on twitter as @ChaaGrier

Enjoy! :)


Trisha's POV

"I never did any of that!" I screamed at joe who is mad at me because some fans sent him a fake picture with a fake story in it. Ugh.

"Stop lying! why didn't you tell me?! You're humiliating me! why do i have to know this from someone else?!" he screamed his face turning red. His accent sounds hot but not now. Not this time. Not again.

"Jesus Christ! can you hear yourself?!You heard that from SOMEONE ELSE!"this guy is unbelievable. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Trisha. You're famous! there's people around who watch everything you do! And they saw you doing that filthy stuff!" he said and threw a punch on the wall which caused the wall to have a hole in it.

"Stop it joe! i can't even! can't you trust me for once?! i told i didn't do any of it! you don't even remember what today is! And you know what?! I'm done with you!" i walked away to grab my coat.

"Yes! that's right! walk away! you're not that good anyway! and it's fucking tuesday!" he screamed. I can't believe it. He doesn't remember.

"FUCK YOU! happy 4th anniversary to you! We're done!" with that i went out and slammed the door,disturbing a few neighbors.

I can't believe him. I went there to surprise him for our 4th anniversary and all he did was scream at me because of something i didn't even do.

I decided to walk to a nearby café and let myself chill for awhile.

I came in and sat down and a guy came near me.

"Goodevening ma'am. What can I get for you?" he asked nicely.

"Get me a Mocha Frappe with lots of Whipped Cream" i said annoyingly.

"Are you okay ma'am?" he asked again.

"None of your fucking business." I said and regret it already.
I looked up and met his surprised hazel brown eyes.

"Wait wait.. i'm sorry. I just had a bad day" i said and he just smiled saying it's okay.

"Is that all ma'am?" he said.
"Yes. Thank you" i said and tried to smile.

I opened my phone and went into twitter and saw the hashtag #TroeBrokeup trending. Troe is a name made by our fans which means trisha and joe. I saw a lot of comments saying they thought we would never broke up. I just let it go and decided not to talk about it

A few minutes later my drink came.

"Here's you Mocha Frappe with Lots of Whipped Cream Ma'am" he said and gave it to me.

"Thank you" i said nicely.

"Do you want to talk? i can listen" he said.

"Uhmm. Better not. You have work and i don't want to bother you" i said.

"Oh no no. I own this shop so i can do anything i want."

"Well okay then. If you insisted" i smiled.

He sat down in front of me.

"I'm Alfie" he said and took out his hand.

"I'm trisha" i said and shook his hand.

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