Nash Grier Imagine #4.2

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Sam's POV 

                  Today is our 1st anniversary. Yes. Me and Nash. but 4 months ago we almost broke up. luckily i am tough enough to solve a problem with the internet sensation nash grier.I actually moved to toronto. Me and shawn mendes. We're partners. like we do covers and stuff and then some guy from hollywood came to us and said he will make us go big then i got the job and moved near shawn. But that time when i moved and things between nash and i became really hard to deal with,i thought it's the end. We saw eachother like 2 months ago. With this event called magcon. 

                     And i am now going to celebrate in a mall all by myself.Yes i became famous but this mall needs membership and i am a member. it's like my secret place. I'm just gonna go there and spend the rest of the day having fun alone. Since nash is very busy he said he'll be in a meeting. Ofcourse i understand . My boyfriend is a internet star who's soon gonna be big in hollywood. I'm also glad his fans accepted me.

                        I wore a black jeans together with my magcon sweater and my vans. I like it plain. I leave my hair with it's natural style.then i grabbed my car keys. Since i live here all by myself i don't have to go ask somebody's permission or whatever.I played some Lana Del Rey on my way to the mall.

                       I walk into the entrance and present my Membership ID. I went to starbucks and ordered a blueberry cheesecake and a Caramel Frappe. "Happy One year nash" i said as i started eating my cheesecake. I'm kinda sad actually. I mean like we survived a year and only saw eachother thrice cause the magcon is a 3 days event.I wish we could  be near eachother. Or maybe get married. I mean like i just turned 24 he turned 25. This is the right age of getting married. But whatever. I don't even think nash wants to get married. as i was lost in my mind,my phone vibrated.Bae  It's nash calling :)) I quickly clicked accept. "Hello?" i said. "Hey uhm, Sam what are you doing?" He said and sounds like hes been crying. "Nothig much just spending the day at the mall. You okay?" I asked worried. "actually no. Skylynn's gone" Then it sounded like he cried again. "What do you mean gone?" "somebody took her.someone who want's money"   We stayed quiet not knowing what to do. "Well do you know where that someone took her?" i asked "They sent me an email and it's a location near your house." whaaat? "Send me the location details" "Sam you don't have--" "Nash. I wanted to. Sky is like my sister" he didn't fight back he gave me the details which i wrote in a tissue paper. then i went out not finishing my food. 

                                       "Hello?" i spoke when i entered this house. It actually looks nice. "Anyone in here?" i asked again and no one answered. Then i found a piece of paper in the table in the living room. it says "Being a hero aye? Try and find your bae too." This one leaved me clueless. So im like in a hunting stuff. that needs to look for clues? Okay then. This is fun.I was walking around the house when i saw another note attached to a door. "You really wanted to be a hero.Let's play a game then." i opened the door to see another note on the floor. "Take a step forward. count to 30 walk straight" i count to 30 while walking straight which leads me into a wall. with a note again."Rotate 90deg and 10 more steps." i walked again. i probably look so stupid right now. it leads me to a door. theres no note. I opened the door and saw that it's a stairs to the basement. and there's no fricking light. I opened my phone and switched on the flashlight. It's so freaky right now i might punch something when someone tries to play jokes on me. at the end of the stairs i saw a note "turn off that light and walk straight 80 degrees to the left.or i might kill this young girl." it freaked me out that i dropped my phone. luckily it didn't broke. I picked it up and turned it off. i followed the directions and bumped into something. or should i say someone. i couldn't see the face cause there's no light

                                      "Now choose. your life or the life of the griers?" the anonymous person asked me. He said hes been doing this for a year now. He needs something like organs from our body he said for his family. i don't know.. But i said to myself. nash would so sad and depressed when his siblings die. "Me. Just take me. Leave them alone. your such a freak. " Yes he's a freak. his reason is very terrible one.i felt something in my eye and realized that it's a cloth. The person lead me upstairs and let me guest outside the starting to get chilly. I removed the cloth. "WHAT THE HECK?" i screamed. There's so many people! I see myy cousins my mom and dad my uncle and aunt and nash's family all smiling. "Turn around sweety" mom said. So i turned around. I saw nash standing there. looking great. "What is this?!" i asked angrily because it is not a good joke. "Shh. Letme speak first" He said. "Okay so i don't know why i did that. Cause like i am nash grier. I do stupid stuff. i never got serious. but when it comes to you i don't know what happened to the vine guy it's like my first time to be so comfortable with anyone.and it really touched how you chose to die for skylynn. I am so inlove with you samantha. You turned me to my side which i didn't know that exist.i don't do surprises like this. this is my first time and i now it's really horrible. but i have this feeling like i wanna surprise you and do everything for you.Sam?" he asked. i was so speechless and i couldn't say anything. he kneel down infront of me. "Will you marry me?" he asked with pure happiness in his eyes. The guys i love so much. that i am willing to die for. asking me to marry him. "NASH! WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO MARRY YOU OFCOURSE I DO!" I screamed with tears in my eyes people laughed. I ran towards him and jump so he is carrying me. I hug him while i cried with joy. "I am so happy" i said when i got down. He smiled like a dog. A smile that is full or love,happiness and excitement. "So am I" he said while wearing the ring on me. He kissed me and i hugged him while people around us cheered for us. 

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