Nash Grier imagine #11 (BYEClaire)

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I got another resquest here! if you want one send me a message with the information that i needed to know. :)

Claire's POV

"Pleaaaaase" nash said as he made a puppy eyes look at me.

No claire. Don't fall for the eyes again.

"No nash. I told you. I've been doing this alot for you and you ended uo breaking hearts" i said and and rolled my eyes.

Nash is asking for my help again. For a girl. I understand we're bestfriends before dinosaurs we're born.And i like helping him. It's just. I've done this alot. He ask for my help. I agree then when their together he breaks her heart. Plus i like him. ALOT.

"Claire pleaaaase. For your bestest friend in the whole galaxy?" he said again and stomp his feet like a kid that wants a toy. Yeah. I think nash wants another TOY.

"Nash no. I told you. I don't like it when you break someone's heart" i said.

"I won't hurt her! i think she's the one. I like her since the first time i saw her.i may be inlove but who knows. I really like her

"Now you hurt my heart again" i whispered.

"Huh? i didn't hear what you say." He said and played with his food. It's lunch time btw.

"Nothing. I said i'm done. I'll be late for my next class" i said and stood up and ran away cause my eyes are starting to water up. I mean like. Ofcourse i wan't him to be happy. I don't wanna be selfish. It's just. He doesn't hang out with me when he has a girl. And i admit. I am jelous. I like him. I walked into the my next class to see no one. Ofcourse. I lied. I'm 20 minutes early.

"Stop lying claire" nash said as he walk into the room. Ofcourse. How could i be so dumb. Nash is in 6 out of 9 classes. Frick.

"Not now nash. I'm not in the mood" i said and opened my book.

"Claire please. This is the last one. I promise" i looked at him and saw his ocean blue dreamy eyes looking at me as sweet as a lemon.

Wait. Lemon isn't sweet.Oh well. Yolo.

"This is the last time. I'll help you" and all of sudden i felt two strong arms grabbing me and hugging me tight.

"Yes!thank you claire! i love you so much!" he said which made me blush. We hug and tell i love you's to eachother. I didn't mind. But it all changed when i was in grade 8 that i started having a crush on him.

"Ofcourse nash. Anything for you. Cause i love you too" i said and stood up. And walked with nash. To the girl he wanted. Whatever.

"Okay stay here" i said a i left him beside the drinking fountain and made my way to sandra. The girl he wants. Psh. Whatever.

"Hey sandy!" i said and we hugged eachother. Yes. We're friends.

"Hey trishy!"

"Oh god sandra no!" i said and brushed my hand across my face.

I hate it when people call me trishy. People used to mock me when i was young saying 'trishy the trash' but ofcourse nash was there to protect me.

"Okay sorry haha. So what's up?" sandra asked.

"Well. Remember nash?" then she nodded.

"He...He likes you" i said and looked down. Sandra knows that i like nash.

"Oh..Want me to stop talking to nash?" she said. She's very kind i know. But i have to do this for nash to be 'happy' "No sandra! actually i'm setting you up on a date with him" i hate myself right now.

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