Matt Espinosa Imagine #9 (mindless_kidd2002)

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Heeeey! Here's another requested imagine for this girl. :)) If you want one just send me a private message and tell me what kind of imagine and a little info about yourself and the boy you wanted. :)

Your POV

Inhale. Exhale. Throw....."Yes!" i screamed as i made a 3 points shoot. I'm currently playing basketball outside cause it's saturday and i have no plans.But i invited my friend,matt. I like playing basketball with him. He's such a funny guy. One time he asked me to film a vine of him about how he plays basketball and how dinosaurs do. I swear that was the funniest moment of my life. "Sup girl!" I look back and saw matt in his jersey "hey!" i said and did our secret handshake. Yeah i don't know why it's called secret when we basically do that infront of everyone. "So how's life?" matt asked. "Nothing much. But i just needed some exercise so i invited you to play with me" i said and fixed my hair. Since i put in a bun and it messed up when i jumped to shoot that 3 points earlier. "Okay let's get started!" he said and snatched the ball from me and we started playing.We kinda start playing randomly pushing eachother for the ball and played like a boy. Which i didn't mind. Not because basketball are for boys that doesn't mean i can't play it. .

We got tired so we've decided to take a rest for awhile as we sat infront of my front door.I look at him as he took a sip at his drink and brushed his hair with his hand. I swear he looks gorgeous when he does that. Okay i'll tell a secret. I have a crush on matt even before we became friends. Before for me he was just a guy who likes to fool around and do videos. But as i watched each of his videos i woke up one day with a smile on my face knowing i will see matt at school and i realized i have a crush on him.

I'm not the type of girl who wears alot of makeup and dress up like a slut. I'm just a simple girl who likes matt. Then one day he was at one of my class and we started hanging out and became friends. "Something wrong?" said matt. Ohmygod this is so not right. Am i looking at his face for such a long time? "nothing. I just like the color of your hair." I said and looked away. And looks like he believed it. But he do have awesome hair. And even though his hair is up it's weird that i'm still a bit taller than him. "So i met this girl" matt started talking. Who did he? "and?" i asked. "I think i like her" what? matt likes some girl? all i know is that he's so inlove with ariana grande i didn't know he like someone else. "So?" i asked because i don't really care. I rolled my eyes. "Aww is my bestest friend in the world jelous?" he said and moved closer to me. "What?psh. Why would i we're just friends" i said with a fake smile.

"Do you wanna know who she is?" matt asked. "Yeah whatever" i said and stood up played with the ball. Matt followed me. I swear matt is my dinosaur nobody steals my dinosaur from me. "She's tall. Skinny. And she have this perfect skin tone.And her sparkly brown eyes. When we first met i fell inlove with her gorgeous's like her eyes is telling me that this girl have something inside her that i will fall inlove easily." He said as i shoot the ball. "No one cares" i whispered "i do care about her" oops looks like i whispered too loud. "Yeah whatever" i said and shoot the ball again.

"So wanna know her name?maybe you can help me with her" i look at him. "No!i am your friend who's always here for you i am not here to help you meet other girls who you falls inlove with and forget about me cause i'm you'll be spending you're entire life with her. And when you two broke up? what? you'll come crawling back to me? matt i don't care. Go do it yourself" i said and walked away. I was about to open my front door when a pair of hands grabbed my waist. I turned around and saw matt. He pulled me closer and kissed me. And second later. "It's you silly. I love you. And i want you to be mine" he said as he rest his forehead on me. "Sorry i over reacted matt. I love you too" "is that a yes?" he asked and i pecked his lips. "I'll that answer as yes"

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