Nash Grier Open Imagine

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Updaaaaate! :) I dont know. I just had to let this out.

Enjoy :)

Nash Grier Open Imagine.

Your POV

"Do I still look good?" I asked my friend. "Yes you do y/n! Now stop being nervous okay?Everything will be alright" she said. I simply nod and closed my eyes. Today is out 7th Year Anniversary. Me and Nash :)

I'm really proud because after all those problems. Those hatred. Those anger. Those heartaches. We still managed to stay together. We almost gave up but luckily we didn't. Today,I want to be the one to serve Nash. Sounds weird but not just because I'm a girl,doesn't mean I can't make surprises. We were in a restaurant we own. And I closed this for privacy. I just told Nash to come here. But he's late. For like 40 mins. I hope he's okay.

50 min...

1 hr....

1 hr and 20 mins...

"He's here!" finally.

I stood up to welcome him. When he opened the door I was there. Smiling. "Nashyyy! Surprise!" I said and gave him a huge bear hug. Although he's really tall,i tiptoed.

"Oh Hey" He said and hugged me back. We pulled away. "What is this?"he asked. "Well. Since you've been doing the surprises for the past years. I figured out that maybe i should be the one this year" i said and smiled.

He looked around. I designed this whole restaurant all by myself. I even cooked our dinner. Theres a band playing string instruments that sounds good together. "You did all of these?" he asked. I can't see any excitement in his eyes though. "Why ofcourse I did" i smiled. His lips slightly moved into an upward curve. "Do you like it?" i asked. "Ofcourse i do" he said. "Is there something wrong?are you okay?" i asked because he's emotionless and its bothering me.

"Yes. Sorry I'm late. I had trouble with choosing what to wear" he slightly giggled. But I know there is something wrong. "Uhm..okay. Well come on! Let's sit down and eat. I cooked your favorite." We sat down and our waiters served the food.

Our whole dinner was silent. Really silent. I would sometimes look at him but he looks away and then look down. Now I know there is something wrong. We finished our food without saying anything we're just sitting here. Doing nothing. "Did you like the food?" i broke the silence. "Yes" he said and half smiled. "Nash. What is wrong? You can tell me everything." I said and looked into his eyes. His eyes weren't so blue as the usual. It looks grey. "Can i talk to you? alone?" he said an looked at the band. I nodded. "Uhmm guys. Could you leave both of us for a moment?" i asked them. They smiled and walked outside. "Now tell me whats wrong." I asked. "Well" he stood up and moved his chair close to mine. He took my hand. "You know that I love you right?" he asked looking deeply into my eyes. Holding my hand. "Ofcourse Nash. We wouldn't make it this far if you didn't" i said sarcastically. "Well....I think we should break up" he said. My eyes went wide and started to water up. "Nash?why?" i asked. "Don't you think that we had enough? all those hatred? all those anger?" he asked. "Nash? After all we've been through?" i spoke with my voice shaking. I can barely talk because it feels like a thousand needles are being pushed againts my skin. But mostly my heart. "This is for the best" he said and started to tear up too. "Nash! I hate it when you think you know what's best for me when what's best for me is you" i said and sobbed.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't want them cursing you. I don't want you getting hurt" he said as a single tear fell from his left eye. "And you're not hurting me now?" i asked. I can barely breath and I have this sharp pain in my heart. I couldn't explain but it really hurts. My whole world just shattered. "Please. Don't cry" he said trying to wipe my tears but it's useless.

"Don't tell me not to cry! Why can't we stay strong? Those hateful words? they never bothered me! Why can't you see? All I care about is you..only
You.." i said and stopped. I couldn't breath anymore. I saw him speaking but something is wrong with me. Something is not going well. My eyes started to turn black. Before I knew it I was lying the ground with a vision of Nash Screaming. Then everything went black.

Nash's POV

"Baby please understand. We cannot live right next to eachother right now and -- Y/N?!" i screamed when she fell on the ground. "Y/N!" I shook her. "Wake up!" I screamed and people came in. They took her and they drove her into the nearest hospital. I was left here all alone. I sat on the floor and cried.

What have i done?

To be continued....

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