Cameron Dallas Imagine (skylar_sage13)

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Heeeey!! :) The Imagines are back. :) I'm taking requests again!

I'm really sorry for the delay. You see I have a lot of problems lately. But i'm okay now! :)

Here's your imagine! :)
I made it shorter btw :( i lost my phone where i put the chapters.

Skylar's POV

Today is the first day of school and all I can say is. I'm really excited. Yes yes I know. Most of you would probably like 'what?she likes school?'. The answer is No. I only like school because i have time away from my home. If I can still call it a 'House' with my parents always arguing and at the edge of their relationship. Whatever. Good thing I have my brothers Nash and Hayes. I'm older. I'm 19. It's weird too because they both have blue eyes while I have a really light green eyes. Mom said I got it from my grandpa.

So, I don't like school. Besides the reason that I can get away is that I can also see my crush for about 2 years. He's Cameron. Cameron Dallas the viner. He's the same age as mine and a good friend of nash. Nobody knows that I like him. But my friend, Claudia. Our names is so close like I'm skylar and she's claudia. Hehe. Get it? "Sky!!Ohmygosh i miss you so much!" Claudia approached me and gave me a bear hug. "Oh hey. I missed you too!" i retorted. "Oh and I saw Cameron. He came in his yellow lamborghini." She said and winked at me. This girl knows me so much. Haha. Then i saw her eyes moved to see something on my back. "Oh hey. Here he comes" she whispered with excitement. I almost freaked out but maintained myself to keep calm. "Do i look good? is my lip still pink?" i ask. Really concern about the way i look. "You're gorgeous" she said. I smiled and nodded the. Turned around. Oh there he is. A few meters away from me.

His wearing a simple blue hoodie and a black pants paired with his red vans. So simple yet he managed to make it look good by wearing a black rayban. Gosh. This guy is gorgeous. He waved and took pictures with the freshies. His fans i assumed. He continued walking towards us. I looked at him with the biggest smile on my face. Hoping that he would greet me. He continued walking. He stopped beside me. I kept smiling like an idiot. I don't know if he's looking at me. I can't see his eyes because of those rayban. But i think he is. I was about to say hi when he opened the locker beside mine and it slammed on my face. "Ow!" i screamed and felt my forehead hurt. I rubbed it and back away a little. "Oh. I'm sorry i didn't see you there skylar. Nice to see you" he said and smiled. "It's okay. Nice to see you too" i said. Still rubbing my forehead. He deposits some of his stuff on his locker then locked it. "Looks like we're locker buddies. See ya later" he said and walked away.

I heard claudia sighed as she fixed her locker and brushed her long blonde hair. "See skylar. I told you. That guy doesn't even show interest in you." She said. "Oh stop it claudia. Maybe he's to shy" i said and we finished doing our lockers.

You see, me and cam doesn't really hang out. We're not really good friends. On my first year in here,before he became famous around the internet,he's already famous in our school. He became friends with Nash and i don't even make friends that much so i'm stuck with my brother. Nash. So basically it's me cameron and nash and sometimes hayes so hang out. Then one day rumors spreaded that me and cam like eachother. That's the moment i noticed how cute he is. But then he's so annoyed that he doesn't hangout with me and nash anymore. So as a good sister, i gave way. I started making friends so nash could have his bestfriend back. But it made me lose my chance with cameron..

It's the time of the year for homecoming. Which means this includes dates. Huh. I was walking out of my 3rd class to my locker and i noticed that every guy is already asking for homecoming dates. Come on. Shut up. No one will ever ask me.Well actually i have a few but i don't like any of them. Call me stupid but yes i'm hoping for cameron to ask me. "Hey Sky!" i looked to where the voice came and saw shawn. "Yes?" i asked with a smile. "You got any date yet?" he asked catching his breath. It's never that easy to run. I understand. "Actually No" i retorted. "Will you be my date then?" he asked. Awww shawn. But i was waiting for cam. But shawn is so sweet and looks like a fluffy marshmallow. "Okay sure" i said because i didn't want to deny. "Great see ya!" He said and ran away. What a weird fluffy chocolate dipped marshmallow. Hehe.

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