Taylor Caniff Imagine #7

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(A/N:Hello Caniff Girls! Yay for us. Hehe. So i really like it when taylor's imagine is way different from the other.Cause i really liked taylor being so dramatic and stuff and not all pervy or what. I'm sorry. Just wanted to do something new with taylor. Okay i'll make one if any of you requested . :) so here! I did another taylor caniff. Hehe)

Taylor Caniff Imagine #7

Jena's POV (Yay s/o to me for using american idol's top 3 contestant jena irene. )

"Hi cherry!" I said as i walk up to the front desk. "Oh hi jena!" She greeted me back. "Any visitors today?" I asked. "Not really but a few girls came here and said they're fans from magcon" she said. Ohh. Magcon. That thing ended up like 6 years ago. "And they left something." "Okay cherry. Thank you" i said and took the elevator to 11th floor. And went to room 1165 and saw a bunch of cards,gifts,flowers, and fruit baskets. I smiled as i saw how much his fans cared for him that long. I looked at him and my smile faded. I took a chair beside him. "Tay? Babe please wake up" i said as i feel my eyes started to get wet. It's the 3rd month that taylor has been in a coma. He was just trying to protect me. I over reacted.

Flashback :

"Come on please talk to me" i smirked as i read taylor's text. I haven't been talking to him for like a day already since it's night and i ignored him since i woke up. I'm just walking on my way home from starbucks. It's a really dark place in here. Okay i'll tell the problem. Yesterday taylor just "visited" my admirer or maybe stalker. Sam. (A/N: wohoo sam woolf i miss you!) that guy has been following me for like a year. I call him my stalker. He's creepy. But he got good looks. But then i love taylor. So i never talked to sam. Taylor came to his home yesterday and beat him up like a potato. And warned that if sam ever followed me again he better get ready for his funeral. Which i found bad. Hurting people is bad. I never hurt anyone before. As i was thinking about taylor. 3 maybe 4 or 5 guys came to me. "Woah. What's up" i said cause they're blocking the way. "Hello jena." Said the guy that i can't see the face cause he has a hat and it's dark so i can only see his lips down to his chin and collarbones. But i already knew who he is. "Sam? What do you want?" He's wearing a red and white sweater that is folded up to his elbow and a jeans with a pair of red vans. I assumed he likes the color red. "Jena if i can't have you then nobody else can" he said and looked up. Now i can see his brown eyes which i wish i didn't his eyes are full of anger with a bit of sadness. We made eye contact then he turn around to face the guys behind him. "Bro's you know what to do" he said as the boys came to me and try to grab me but i screamed for help and kept removing their arms on me. "No one can hear you jena. No one" sam said. And i kinda gave up so i just let them hold my hands and placed it behind me. "Sam why the hell are even doing this?!" He looked at me with anger and grabbed my jaw with his one hand and looks like i'm in a fish face. You know that mean guys in a movie do. Whatever. Then he kissed me. Just a peck. "I loved you jena. I do. I was here before that caniff guy came to your life but you never noticed" he said with a tone of sadness. "I never saw you before!" "Because i am just a guy who people plays with! I never got respected! People are mean to me! And taylor?! He's a internet sensation! A guy every girl wants! But you guys messed up with the wrong guy!" He said then slapped me. Ofcourse! He's the samuel i heard before but i never payed attention. "Jena!" I heard someone scream. I looked to my right and saw taylor running towards us. "No taylor! Go! Get out of here taylor!" I said because i am scared with what they will do to taylor. "What a perfect timing! You're here to save your princess?!" Sam yelled. "Nobody touches my queen! Nobody hits her!" Taylor said before he throw a punch to sam which failed. And sam through punches at taylor and so did the rest. Two guys are holding me which means 3 people are after taylor. "Let me go!" I screamed as i tried to escape from the guys arms. But they're too big for me. I failed. "Taylor just run! Leave me here!" I said as i struggle to get out of his grip. I flinched when a pair of hands were hitting me. But that didn't get taylor's attention. He kept fighting all i can do is cry. I'm sorry taylor. Minutes later. I heard taylor stopped screaming. And the punching match stopped. I can see taylor on the ground. "Bro he's knocked out" one of the guys holding me said. "No!" I screamed as i successfully removed their arms on me. I ran to taylor and saw him. Nothing. I checked his pulse and good thing that little guy is still alive beeping. I was crying so much. I turn around to see sam and the guys shocked "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed. I never knew i can scream like that. Before i knew it. I was in a ambulance with taylor's hand in mines. "Tay. Please wake up. Please" i said as we arrived at the hospital and figured out that he is in a coma for sam hitting his head a couple of times.

End of flashback.

Taylor was just protecting me. I feel bad for not doing anything. I could have kicked the guy's balls but i didn't i'm so dumb. "Babe" i said as i held taylor's hand. "Please wake up. Please. I know your just trying to protect me. Please wake up. I promise i will never ever ignore you again. I promise i won't talk to sam. He's in jail. Please. I beg you. I'll be a better girlfriend to you. We were suppose to get married 2 months ago. Please wake up and i'll meet you at the church. And we will exchange our vows and i do's. we will live happily every after and have kids. As many as you want! I promise we will grow very old together and watch as our kids have kids. We will watch the stars at night and thinking how lucky we are we found eachother. We will do anything! Just please wake up. Please" i said as i cried. I stood up and kissed him forehead. "Please" i walked to the couch and just let out my tears. A few minutes later. I was found looking at taylor and doing nothing but breathing. I stopped crying since i feel like i couldn't cry anymore. "Please. Tay. Wake up. I. Need. You. " i said with my lip very dry. I feel dehydrated but i don't really care. "J-Jena" i heard a voice said. I looked at taylor slowly and trying to open his eyes and say something. I quickly got up from my sit and hit the call nurse button. "Taylor!" I ran to him and hugged him. "Why do you look so pale and miserable." He asked. "I thought you were gonna die!" I cried again. But this time i cried cause i feel really happy that tay is back. "I only slept like overnight" he asked being weird. "You were asleep for three months! Stupid!" "No need to be rude lady. But wow. I like sleeping before but now i don't" he said as the nurse and doctors came in. They did something to him. And after that they looked at me looking very disappointed. "What?" I asked. "I think god gave him time just to say goodbye" the doctor said. "What are you talking about?" Both me and taylor said. The doctor pointed at the huge machine beside him. The life support. And it's on. "You mean he's not here?" I asked before i came to taylor holding his hand. "He is here. But about to die. His body couldn't take it anymore. And this machine only works for 10 minutes" the doctor said. "We'll leave you to. And be back in 10" the doctor said before all of them went out of the room. "No"i whispered. "No!" Now i screamed and look at taylor. He looks pale as ever. No more rosey cheeks for him and pinkish lips. Pale as ever. "I guess this is goodbye. Please marry me when i die. I want you to be mine even if i'm dead." He said and starts to cry. "Tay. Babe. No. Please. Don't go. Please. Stay with me" i hardly speak cause i am crying to much. He tried to sit up. And he hold both of my cheeks then kissed me. A long one. But pulled away. "As much as i want to kiss you now we only have 7 minutes left." I said and cried. He hold my hand. "Babe. Remember this. I love you very much. I will always be beside you. Even if i'm not alive. My spirit and my love will always stay with you. You have to be strong for me. We will see eachother again in another life. You have to protect yourself. Babe. Be alive for me. No suicides. I know you want me to be happy. I will be if you live your life. I love you so much. This is not goodbye. I will see you in another life. And we will continue to love eachother. Remember what you told me when i got loads of haters? You said i should be strong for the people around me who loves me. Same as you. I love you. Your family does. Our friends will always be there for you no matter what. And please tell the guys don't cry over me. I am just taking a rest. A long one. I love you" then he hugged me. We cried in eachothers arms. I couldn't say anything. I am so dehydrated. As we were hugging. A doctor came rushing in. "I'm sorry! Woah. Wait. He's alive?" The doctor said looking at taylor. "Excuse me?" Taylor said. "I'm sorry sir but i believe that mahine works for a good 10 minutes. But a patient came and needed stitches. I forgot about you. It's been like 15 minutes or so! And the machine is turned off. This is a miracle" he said. Both me and taylor looked at eachother....







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