Taylor Caniff Imagine #5

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Taylor Caniff Imagine #5

Today is not "just" another day. It's our 5th anniversary. I'm looking at my eyes at the mirror while i fix the buttons of my shirt. "5 years tay. 5 years" i said to myself. My eyes started to water up again as always. But it's not time yet. I quickly inhale and exhale. I grabbed my car keys and one more look on the mirror then i went out of my house. Or "our" house. It is our anniversary. Wedding anniversary. I am 27 years old and i married her when i was 22 years old. I remember the time i proposed. Knowing me. The taylor caniff who plays around and just wear bandanas and just rap infront of girls who adore me. And just became serious infront of her. I smiled when i visualize her face after we got married. She's been my girlfriend since we were 16 then i proposed on my 21st birthday party. I was the happiest man alive that wanted to scream that i just accomplished the dream wedding of my wife. But. She died. And it's all my fault.


I just came home from a recording studio for my 7th album.

"Hey hun" i said as i wrap my arms around her waist while she's cooking. "Oh hey! I missed you!" She turned around to face me then kissed me. "I missed you too i've been gone all day" i said. She hugged me then pulled away because she has to finish whatever she's cooking. "Why don't you watch tv while i finish our dinner?" She asked. "Sounds good" i kissed her one more time then went to the living room. This is the life i've always wanted. Coming home from work and just see my wife cooking. Life is just so good. I see nothing good on tv so i just scroll through my internet life. I was reading tweets when one tweet caught my eye. It says "@taylorcaniff 's wife. Cheating already?" Then theres a video. I clicked play while curiosity and anger slowly invades my insides. As the video played. I kept saying that this is not real. But it's so real. Seems like it happened today since she's wearing the same shirt. I stopped the video and walk towards the kitchen. She's cutting something when i pushed her. "Did you go somewhere today?" I asked angrily i can feel my face being red. "W-What? I stayed inside" she replied looking very nervous. I grabbed her by her shoulders. "Wanna play dumb?! Cause i'm not playing it!" I said screaming. My throat hurts. But i don't mind. "What are you t-talking about?" "Do you think i'm dumb enough to not know that you went out with jacob?! Do you think you can just go out and make out with some guy?!" She looked at me surprised. "Tay he forced me too!" "He forced you what? To stop cause your about to swallow him? I am not dumb!" She didn't speak. She just looked at me and cried. I have tears in my eyes too. How could she? She pushed me and ran outside. I ran after her. "What the heck?! You can't just runaway!" She stopped walking then turned to face me. She was crying. Until a car came and hit her.


I wiped the tears that escaped my eyes because i am driving and i don't want my eyes to be blurry. I try to get that off my mind as i arrived at her grave. I put the flowers and sat down. "I'm sorry" i said and finally cried. "Happy 5th Anniversary hun" and i cried even more. "I should've let you explain first. If i wasn't that dumb none of this will happen. I am so sorry. But my word ain't enough." I said as i cried harder. No one's around so i am comfortable at crying. This is not the taylor caniff girls used to know. I felt a cold wind touched my skin. She's here. I know it. I just do. For the past years. I've been visiting her grave each day. It's the only way i know. I tried to suicide once. But it didn't work. I guess this is god's consequence for not trusting her. But i've been doing this for 3 long years. I missed her. I wanna be with her. I was busy thinking about her when my phone rang. It's my manager. I pick it up. "Tay?where are you? we need you here in 10 hurry up. Eminems manager called and wanted you to be part of eminems next music video. They're on the way. Hurry up tay" then he hung up. I hve no choice but to follow his orders. I got up. "See later hun" i said as i wiped my tears and went to my car and drove to the studio.

"Tay!good thing you arrived before they arrived" said my manager and gave me a hug. I didn't smile or talk back. "Are you okay?" he said. "I am" i replied and fake smiled. I went to the rooftop because this is where i go when i felt sad. I can see the whole new york city from up here. It's a little windy which makes my moment dramatic. I heard car honks and i saw the traffic at the bridge. A bridge in a river with big rocks where she and i first saw eachother...."i'm coming hun" i said as i rush out of the rooftop and ran to the bridge. i heard people call my name but i didn't answer them. I placed my foot at the other side of the bridge and the other. "Tay!" i looked to my left and saw my manager with a couple of securities and other people that i am not familiar of. "What are you doing?!" said my manager. "It's all my fault! Can't you see?! She died because of me!" i said as i cried again. People are already surrounding us. It's a suicide scene. Cause i am about to jump off this bridge. "Don't you dare to jump!think about all the people surrounding you! Your fans!" Said my manager trying to change my decision. Too late. "Place my corpse next to her" i said before i jumped. I heard people screaming. I closed my eyes. "I'm coming hun" and that's the last thing i said before i hit the rocks.

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