Cameron Dallas Imagine #6

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Cameron Dallas imagine # 6

Tasha's POV

"Done!" I screamed when i finished editing my "Cameron Dallas Top 50 Photos" that i'm about to post in my youtube channel. I am a huge fan of cameron. I mean like i've been a fan of one direction and other guys but when it comes to cam dallas. I have this weird feeling that i never felt before. Uhh Whatever. "Put my instagram account below" said my friend,Sasha. She's like my sister from another mother. Anyway. I make youtube videos about the magcon guys. Cam Dallas most of the time. "Sure. It will be done in about 1 and a half" i replied. Wooo. Long waiting again. Then i just freaking remembered we didn't record a intro and a closing one. I click cancel. "What?" Sasha said. "Duh we forgot to record an intro and closing" "ohhh. Okay hehe" yeaah. Sasha's weird sometimes. I placed my iphone since the camera is charging. "Hey what's up guys" both me and sasha said. "Tasha here with my sister from another mother. Sasha" i paused for awhile because i am planning to put some clapping noise for sasha. "And we are here for another cameron dallas top 50 photos. Yaay" then we acted like we are dancing. "Okay enough" we both laughed. Then i stopped the video. And now for the closing one. I started it again "hey what's up. Hope you enjoyed the video we made for cam" "you should be enjoying it"sasha said making a creepy face. Im gonna zoom that one. Haha. "Okay. Haha. So comment below which photo of cam you like the most and tell us why. Also click subscribe so you can be notified when another magcon guys video is up!" I looked at sasha so she could say her line. "And our social media stuff will be down below at the description make sure to follow us and by us i mean me. Just follow me" sasha said. "Shut up" i said laughing. "Once again guys thanks for watching and be sure to give us a thumbs up yeah. Bye my loves!" I said and stopped the video. Then i plugged my iphone into the computer so i can start editing. "Hey tash" sasha said "yes?" I replied still looking at my laptop waiting for the video to be processed. "Do you think one of the guys will ever know our names?" "I don't know sasha. But i hope they will" i said as i started editing again.

"Weee!" I said as i finished uploading the video. Sasha went home like 2 hours ago. Just then,i remembered what she said. What if? The guys knows us? It would be so fun to be friends with them. A friend who doesn't talk about drama all the time are probably the bestfriends anyone could have. But who am i. I'm just a girl who adore them and makes videos. Yes we are famous. But not as famous as them. I only have like 400k followers and they have like millions. Zero chances for me. I stood up and grab some clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower then brushed my teeth and wear my clothes then went to sleep. I was half asleep when i got a notification from twitter. It says. " mentioned by @camerondallas : cool video @tashdallas ! Hope to meet you soon!" My eyes widened and i don't know the next thing i know is that my phone is going crazy cause. CAMERON DALLAS TWEETED ME AND THE DALLAS GIRLS ARE LIKE WELL DONE TASHA OHMYGOOOOOOOOD! I need my happy dance! I stood up and danced like a weird person. OMG he tweeted me! I can't believe it!...once i am tired from dancing around i grabbed some water and throw myself at my bed. I am so lucky. Hehe. As i was busy looking at the ceiling and fail to go back to sleep i pick up my phone and just look around twitter i guess. When i clicked the home button i saw another loads of notifications from twitter. I probably got them when i went down to get my water. I was looking through my interactions when i saw loads of followers. Naah kidding. It just says "Cameron Dallas and 9 others followed you" i guess i gained new followers...wait...WHAT?!?!?! I clicked the 9 others and i saw that Mahogany,hayes,nash,taylor,jack and jack,aaron,matt,carter and shawn followed me!

"OHMYGOOOOD! I NEED MY HAPPY DANCE!" Yes. I tweeted that. I don't know why. I just feel like tweeting it. I don't care if they find me weird. That's me. I'm weird. I'm just being me.

But i just did my happy dance again. The next thing i knew. I fall asleep. With a huge smile on my face. ..

I woke up with my phone beeping. AGAIN. frick. Why does it matters that cameron and the guys followed me? I mean like they're proud of me. Okay i get it. Can't they just stop? -.- i pick it up and pressed the home button. I knew it. It's from twitter. But wait. This isn't a follow or a mention. It's a DM. Frooom. CAMERON?! IF I'M DREAMING DONT YOU DARE WAKE ME UP IM GONNA LIVE IN MY DREAM LAND. and stupid me. I just slapped myself. Okay i'm not dreaming. That hurts though. I opened cam's dm to me it says "hey tash! We're gonna be in D.C for magcon. Maybe you can come meet us?" Omg is this for real. I'm so fricking happy. "When?:) sure. " what the fuck tasha. Only that? I couldn't find words to tell him! He quickly replied. "My twitter is a little laggy. Let's face time" he said. Oh frick i look disgusting. I quickly stood up not knowing what to do. I went to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth then i put my hair in a side braid. Really quick. I don't wear makeup. And after that i heard my phone ringing. Must be cam. I took one more look at the mirror then i answered the call "hey tash!" HES SO HOT. "Hi cam" i said trying to act cool but i want to scream like right now. "So we're actually heading to airport to catch the flight going there. Say hi guys!" He said as i everyone at the camera. They all said hi. Im so lucky. Wohooo! I just smiled not knowing what to do. "Hey do you have make up on?" Cam asked. "No i don't wear makeup" i said with a smile. Shit. It's so hard to stop myself from screaming. "But why is your face all red?" Cam said. I looked at the mirror. I look like a tomato! "Uhhm. Just a sec" i put my phone in the sheets and walk to the bathroom. "AHHHH! IT'S CAMERON FREAKING DALLAS. OMYGOOOOD!" I screamed. Then i went out to see cameron laughing. I pick my phone. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You do realize you leave the door open right?" Why am i so dumb? "JUST DM ME WHERE HOTEL YOUR GONNA STAY AND WHAT ROOM. ILL GO THERE I HAVE TO GO BYE" i said and ended the call. That is so embarrasing! Like shity me!

And that's how cam and i met. We are now 25 and have 3 kids. 1 girl named sarah and 2 boys named cameron and nash. Yea we named them after there friendship. And all i can say is cam is a responsible father to his children and a lovable husband to his wife......;)

(A/N: Short i know. I'm sorry. We lost internet connection and i found out that i didn't saved my works. So yeah. Sorry)

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