Matt Espinosa Imagine #8 (Erica Sanchez)

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Hey guys! This imagine is for Erica Sanchez Today is her birthday! Yaaay Happy Birthday Girl! :)

Here you go! :)

Erica's POV

I woke up when i felt my bed bouncing. "wake up babe!" Matt screamed like a girl. "Try and jump one more time i'm gonna rip your skin and spread salt all over your body!" I said as i covered my face with one of my pillows. I heard him laughed and he removed the pillow on my face as he sat beside me. "You can't do that to me" he said with his adorable voice. He's so cute but sometimes i wish he isn't cause i can never do something bad when he wakes me up. We stared into eachothers eyes as i memorized each part of his face. "Okay fine i can't" i said and gave up. "Knew it" He said and kissed my forehead. "Now get your lazy ass up. Happy Birthday Babe!" I looked at him as curiosity invades my insides. Then it hit me. "I forgot about my birthday!" I sat up and covered my face. I've been so busy this past few weeks. Cause i've been with matt with his tours and kinda focus on my home school stuff. "I knew it. But don't worry i fixed everything and the guys are coming over" He said. "What?But you didn't have to. and--" I didn't finished my sentence because matt covered my mouth. "No.I love you and i would do anything for you. Now get up!" He said acting mad. "Yes sir!" I stood up and saluted him. and went to the bathroom.

i did nothing but sat on the floor. i'm too lazy. i just went on twitter and saw matt's tweet. He says "I'm so excited ANDDDDD I get to see part of the family! It's been awhile @Mr_Carterr@camerondallas@Nashgrier" I smile and looked at more of his tweets. hes been tweeting that he's excited for my birthday and seeing the boys again. I just smiled and played some music and started to do my bathroom rituals.Good thing my walk in closet is in my bathroom and didn't have to go out and let matt see me in a robe. i changed into a simple hanging dirty white shirt that shows a little bit of my tummy. and some dark jeans and a beige 4 inch heels since i wanted to look cute. but i didn't wear make up i don't really wear make up. i just curled my hair and make it look hot. and finally went out."THANK GOD I WONDER WHAT GIRLS DO" matt said and i saw him already in his outfit i didn't even realized that it's already 4 pm i think i woke up at 1 or 2 cause i never slept last night. I just laughed and went outside to see alot of people already downstairs. I can hear music too. I came down and everyone gathered together infront of me "Happy Birthday Erica!" they all said at the same time. I saw all of my friend my family and a few workers that i grew up with. "Thank you!" i said with a huge smile on my face. Then they started singing happy birthday. And there's me i don't know what to do so i just smiled until a huge cake is being carried by matt and nash. My two favorites. :) i saw my face at the cake and i felt my eyes sparkling since i've never saw one before. "Thank you so much!" i said as they kept singing. "Okay make a wish beautiful!" nash said. "No nash. No need to lie. I never even wear makeup" i said and just smiled. "Hey! erica. Yes you never wear makeup and that's what makes you beautiful.You're unique and i'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you in my life. No matter what others say you're always beautiful" matt as he hugged me and i became speechless as i heard "awww" from the crowd.

"Now i don't know what to wish for since i have everything i've always wanted.But first i would like to thank my family for raising me very well and giving me everything that i need and my friends who's always there for me when i feel left alone and ofcourse matt. Thank you for making me feel beautiful when i have the ugliest day of my life.I owe you big time. I feel like my life is complete when you came in i love you so much" I said and heard awes from the crowd again. So i kept my mouth shut and started wishing. I wished to be like this forever and have no problems at all. then i blowed the candles and everyone cheered. "Now let's partyy!" i screamed. this is going to be a good night. They put the cake on the table. And just got some idea. I got icing in both of my hands. "Hey nash!Matt!" i called then and when they turn around i slap the icing on both of there cheeks and before i knew it we started having an icing all over the place and everyone joined. This is life. A good one. "Happy Birthday Erica" Matt said as he grabbed me from the waist and kissed me. "Thanks" I said and kissed him back. This is probably the best birthday party of mine. I get to spend with the most important people in my life..

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