Nash Grier Imagine #4

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So i wrote this as cameron dallas but then nash looks more good when crying. sorry. hehe. but expect me to publish a cameron dallas imagine after this. 😘

Samantha's POV

It's Friday night and i am home.My parents talked to me and said i should spend more time with them. Which is true. i felt bad when i realized that most of my time i am with my friend instead of my family. so i said yes. i thought it would be easy but it's 2am and i am sooooo bored. I opened my laptop and check if any of my friend is online. lucky me? no one is. they're probably on chris' house right now partying.

I close my facebook and type "talk to strangers in google" i don't know. i never talked to strangers but i am so bored. i clicked the omegle and clicked the video. text is for weak. sorry. haha. then it says "you are now chatting with a stranger. say hi!" then i saw the person's camera. it's some old guy. i clicked escape two times. i am 23 i won't talk to an old man sorry. haha....

it's 2:50am and i chatted with a couple of guys. but i don't like them. weird. this is the last one i am going to chat with. i waited for the cam of the other person load. Then there. it's a guy. AGAIN. He's cute ;) he has this gorgeous ocean blue eyes. pinkish cheeks and a brown hair with a blonde highlights. "Hi there" the stranger said. "Well hello there eyes" i kept staring at his face. He smiled. what a cute smile he has. adorable guy. "Asl?" he asked. at first i didn't know that but then i already chatted to a couple of guys who asked that. so i know what it means. "23 well you can see i'm a girl. and south carolina. you?" i typed and click

enter. He didn't type back but he spoke. "i'm 24 a guy ofcourse and i'm from north carolina." his voice sounds

adorable too. i unmuted my mic. "oh north. that's far. haha." i laughed and he laughed to. "What's your name beautiful?" i blushed as he compliment me but i managed to hide it. "Oh you're blushing!" okay i didn't manage to hide it. "Shut

up eyes. haha. i'm samantha by the way. you can call me

sam." i said and smiled. "gorgeous name. i'm nash" he said. "hello nash" and i smiled. he actually looks familiar. "Hello Sam" haha okay for the

first time in my life. i like my name. "you look familiar. have we met before?" i asked. "I don't think so but i do vines and youtube videos." he said. i put my side in a side like im thinking then it hit me. "Oh!you're the nash grier!" he laughed. "Yes i am." i laughed. we talked for a couple of minutes. until i feel sleepy. "Well it's nice knowing you nash. but im gonna go sleep" i said. "wait!" he screamed. "yes?" i asked. "give me your skype? and number?" he asked with his adorable puppy eyes. what a cute little guy. "Sure" we exchange accounts and numbers.

Since that day,nash and i skype alot. almost everyday. We just talk about each other. "sam?" "yes nash?" i said. " you know we known eachother for a while now. and uumm" he said while covering his face with a pillow. i laughed. "Nash i can't hear you. *Laugh* put that pillow away honey" he put his pillow away and inhale and exhaled. he's so weird. i like it. "Okay here it goes" then he stopped speaking again. "come on nash. haha. just say what you want to say" "okay okay. uhm. sam. ilikeyousomuchsincethefirstdayisawyoupleasemygirlfriend" he said very fast. and then covered his face again. that was very fast but i undertand it. "nash. hey. look at me" he nodded no and kept covering his face. how cute. haha. "Nash" i said seriously. he slowly took the pillow away and he's so red! i

can't help it but laughed. "i knew it! you were going to laugh!" he said and made a sad face. "Nashyy. i only laugh because you look so cute. i like you too." he looked at me. "is that a yes?" he asked with his shiny eyes. he's like a kid that got alot of candies for halloween. "Ofcourse it is sweety" i smiled. and he smiled too. a big one.

but then i realized we are far away from eachother. not that far actually. but i know someday we will have to see each other.


there is a part 2 of this imagine. ;)

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